Process: The last words of the accused expected in the NSU trial


I In the NSU trial in the Higher Regional Court of Munich, the last words of the accused are expected Tuesday (9:30). The defendant Beate Zschäpe, according to his defense lawyer, wants to say at the end of the gigantic trial that has lasted more than five years that his last word will last about five minutes

Zschäpe participates in the ten murders and two attacks by the NSU the federal prosecutor has accused her, so far denied. According to their defense lawyers, three of the four so-called badistants of the right-wing extremist terrorist co-defendants also want to use the right to the last word

After the last word of the accused, the way is open for a verdict. Presiding Judge Manfred Götzl could theoretically announce a verdict immediately afterwards. But Götzl is expected to choose another day of trial for the verdict, probably in the coming week.

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