Product Recall at Netto in July 2018: Disgust Bacteria Found! Called corned beef from the discounter


The salted beef of the brand "Hofmaier" is recalled after bacterial discoveries (symbol image).
Bild: Fotolia / photocrew

Cooked and salted beef, available in this country under the name of Corned Beef, is considered by some gourmets as a delicacy. The shelves of the discounter have long conquered this meat product – but the one who bought the product "German Corned Beef 3% fat" produced by the company Fleischwaren Specht for the brand "Hofmaier" at the discounter Netto

Reminder recent issue: Listeria contaminated Netto salted beef

According to a recent product recall, Netto warns against the consumption of "3% fat German Corned Beef" by Hofmaier. In food safety studies, it was discovered that one product contained bacteria identified as Listeria. These pathogens can trigger so-called listeriosis, which can manifest as fever and diarrhea. While listeriosis causes little discomfort in people with a healthy immune system, elderly and at-risk people are considered particularly at risk

Hofmaier recalls German salted beef

The product affected by Product recall at Netto is "German Corned Beef Top Quality 3% Fat" in the 200 gram package, bearing Veterinary Control Number EV1519. All products whose expiry date is set to 23.07.2018 will be recalled – the indication MDH is found on the back of the salted beef package of Specht Fleischwaren Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG. The meat product was sold in the Länder of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony

The Hofmaier ground beef, sold in a 200-gram package in Netto, is recalled after a bacterial discovery

Do not eat! Corned Beef by Netto contains disgusting Listeria bacteria

The Netto discount supermarket highlights in its impressive online communication about the fact that other products of the house Specht meat products GmbH & Co. KG are not affected by the product recall after Listeria find. Customers who bought the corned beef in the 200 gram package at Netto are advised not to consume the product as a precaution, but to return it to the net market of their choice. The refund of the purchase price will be made as part of the recall of the product in July 2018 without presentation of a receipt.

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