Progress in peace negotiations for South Sudan | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Juba / Kampala (APA / dpa / AFP) – Government and rebel peace talks in South Sudan are progressing: in the four-and-a-half-year conflict, the parties to the conflict have in principle endorsed a model of power sharing. At a meeting with President Salva Kiir in Uganda, his former MP Riek Machar had agreed to return to the post of vice president, according to the newspaper.

Local media reported Saturday that four vice-president positions will be created. it was meant for a woman, it was said. The meeting took place at the home of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in Entebbe. According to Ugandan President Museveni's spokesman and Sudanese President Omar Hbadan al-Bashir, the South Sudanese government and the rebels agreed on Friday to remove the soldiers from civilian areas and set up a joint interim security arrangement. Set up a committee. In addition, there should be a timetable for the unification of the armed forces. On June 30, a truce came into effect in the country of the civil war, quickly broken. Government forces and rebels have accused themselves of being responsible for new fighting.

The oil-rich East African state gained independence in 2011. Only two years later a conflict erupted between supporters of President Salva Kiir of the Dinka people and supporters from his former deputy Riek Machar of the Nuer people. About four million people – about a third of the population – have fled to the present day, tens of thousands have been killed. According to UN data, more than five million people depend on food aid.

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