Protest movement has arrived in the region ?: Yellow West hang on the road bridges of the A 9


Dessau –

The "Yellow West" protest movement in France apparently reached Dessau-Roßlau. Since Wednesday, almost all bridges are yellow west on Highway 9. In both directions.

Police officers on the road discovered yellow vests in the morning

"The employees discovered them early this morning, but we can not take them off yet," said Lucas Weise, spokesperson for the Dessau road patrol. Other tasks are currently more urgent. He also suspects the West "in the context of the movement from France". When exactly they were removed it was not clear Wednesday afternoon.

The "Yellow Vests" started in France as a revolt against the increase in taxes on gasoline and diesel. From there, a mbad movement has developed – and a general criticism of the state of the country. In Germany, there are attempts to imitate the "Yellow West".

Until now, nothing indicates who suspended the yellow west in Dessau

The protest is meanwhile also legally received and used for claims such as the dismissal of Angela Merkel and the abolition of compulsory education. Who is hanging in the west yellow on the A 9 at Dessau, there is for the moment no indication. (Mz)

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