PSG against Liverpool: Klopp too angry against Neymar – football


Suddenly, Kloppo is almost out!

After the 1: 2 in Paris, Jürgen Klopp (51) and Liverpool have more than a chance to qualify for the knockout stages of 16. Last year's finalists have to be s & # 39; 39, impose 1-0 against Naples or eleven goals in eleven days. Otherwise, threaten the Europa League!

Klopp announced after the bankruptcy in Paris against opponents and referees! The former BVB coach: "The number of breaks was not cool. It was clever of the PSG."

Especially the deposits of Neymar (26) brought Klopp on the palm!

Klopp sneers at Sky: "Well, this Neymar can still stand up, after all that pummeled him tonight in tough duels – that's amazing!"

Is Klopp's rage justified or is it just a bad loser? BILD wanted to know exactly and looked again at the second half.

To the right is:

► During the 51:06 minutes (45 + overtime), only 28:01 minutes ran. 15:45 break minutes go to Paris account (Liverpool only 7:20 minutes).

► Schiri Marciniak (Poland) was interrupted on average by a challenge at 2:44 minutes. A high value! The record of the season is 2:15 minutes to Ajax against Benfica. Liverpool caused 20 fouls, Paris 13.

Klopp: "A referee must be ready for such a match, he did not seem to have accepted."

► With six yellow cards, Liverpool set the season record in Valencia. Klopp: "We looked like a butcher in the number of yellow cards."

However, it is also true that his team remained totally harmless (only two shots on goal). Maybe Klopp's attack was also a bit of a distraction from his own exploit …

BILD explains who takes in advance

Three clubs for two places in the eighth final and a real day of police play on December 11th. Curious: each team has the same progress in the hand – explains BILD.

Paris is sure to continue if …

… they do not lose in Belgrade.

… Naples against Liverpool not lose (regardless of their own result).

Liverpool is sure to continue if …

… win against Napoli 1: 0 or with two goals.

Naples is sure to continue if …

… get at least one point against Liverpool.

… Losing Paris against Belgrade (whatever its outcome).

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