Pyramid puzzle solved? So the Egyptians raised the stone blocks – guides


The pyramid of Cheops is 139 meters the largest and oldest of the pyramids of Giza. It was built about 4500 years ago to serve as a tomb to the king of Egypt Cheops – and is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

HOW Egyptian builders have managed to erect this incredible monument of stone blocks weighing up to 90 tons without the aid of modern machinery has been a mystery to this day. But now, a Franco-British research team seems to have found the solution.

As reported by the University of Liverpool on their website, scientists played a role in discovering a discovery in an alabaster quarry at Hatnub. During their last excavation, they discovered a ramp to exit the quarry. The ramp is flanked by a staircase on each side and has large post holes on the edges, in which there would be cornices in a modern street, in which logs were anchored in old woods.

The Egyptologist Robert Enmarch of the University of Liverpool explains: "Since this ramp is under the reign of Pharaoh Cheops (born in 2598 BC), our researchers have the exciting possibility of better understand the logistics and technologies, which were used in building his incredible tomb. "

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Photo: twitter / livuninews

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The stairs at the edge of the ramp are exposedPhoto: twitter / livuninews

And so the transport of stone is mounted: Ropes were attached to a car loaded with a block of stone. The ropes were wrapped around a pole located to the left or right above the sled and pulled by workers standing in the stairway under the poles. A bit like a winch – only on a sloping plane.

"In Hatnub's quarry, tons of alabaster blocks could be fired on steep slopes at least 20% of the depth, "says Yannis Gourdon of the French Institute of Archeology The fact that the Egyptians also used this method for the construction of the Great Pyramid is obvious.

Researchers now want to explore on the spot the evolution of transport – and transfer it to the construction of the pyramid.

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