QI-Test Solution: Do you know which number is searched here?


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Can we bother you with this math puzzle? Or was it an easy task? If you have found the right solution, we tell you here.

What number are we looking for? In the puzzle of today, you had to recover your math skills (admittedly more complex). Nevertheless, it will probably be difficult for some to find the right solution. If you were right, you will learn in a few seconds.

We asked you this riddle question:

Do you remember? That's the question that put your IQ to the test:

"What is the largest number that can be represented by three numbers?
Tip: this is not 999! "

"Biggest three-digit number" – that's the math puzzle solution:

To find the right solution, keep in mind that numbers are not just a series of numbers. They can also include operators, such as irrational numbers,

As a result, the largest number that can be represented by three digits is: 9 ^ 9 ^ 9 (say: "Nine to nine higher nine")

You still have not enough? You'll find many other complex math, graphics and logic puzzles on our puzzle page.

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