Quarrel among squatters: "Bauchi" steals from Becker Finca – world


He was temporarily the most important squatter of Mallorca: since the German Georg Berres aka "Bauchi" in May in the vacant finca of former tennis star Boris Becker had retired, he had become a kind of star. He dreamed of restoring the dilapidated Becker area in the north of the island with other hippies and turning it into an experimental abandonment community. "Everyone can come here first," he said. "Among those who live firmly here will then decide who is going and how it is going."

Now the group of squatters living on the estate has apparently decided that it would be best to continue without the hippie project initiator. "The team has decided to exclude Bauchi from the game and put his stuff in front of the door," it is said in a WhatsApp message from the squatter group, reported on the German-language Mallorca newspaper.

Farewell with anger

"Bauchi" Berres confirmed on his Facebook page his excerpt from the Becker finca. But he says it was not an eviction, but a voluntary decision. "I wanted to go there weeks ago," he writes. It can be read in his words that there was a dispute in the community and that he had announced his departure after a temper tantrum.

The occupation of the area with swimming pool and tennis court near the village of Artà is not over. At least five squatters seem to last on the site, of which no one knows exactly whether Becker still belongs. This had bought the area 20 years ago and built with a giant villa. After Becker had more and more financial problems, the finca was later sold and auctioned.

The law allows express evictions

Insofar as there is a new owner, he could quickly end his occupation, on the basis of a new expulsion law in force. Spain since July. The new law allows express evictions in a few weeks. Previously, homeowners often had to wait years before obtaining a court order.

Property occupations, including many vacation homes and apartments, are currently a major problem in Spain. About 90,000 objects would be in the hands of squatters throughout the country, in Mallorca only, it is estimated that about 1,000 properties are affected.

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