Queen gives her blessing: separation with the Royals – Royals



Although Meghan is very pregnant, Prince Harry's wife does not have time to get up.

The Kensington Palace has just announced that the prince and fairy princess will now run their own house: "Following her marriage last May, the Queen agreed to create a new family for the Duke and Duchess of Susbad: The household is taken care of by the Queen and the Prince of Wales. "

With Sara Latham (65), a public relations professional, the couple also has their own spokesperson. The communications expert has already worked for Bill Clinton at the White House and supported Hillary Clinton in his candidacy for the presidency.

Your budget and your office come at the last minute for Harry and Meghan. In the coming weeks, they want to move from London to Windsor and Frogmore Cottage.

At the end of April, the couple are expecting their first child. Prince Harry wants to make a difference as the father of his brother William. He had taken two weeks off after the birth of his children, George (5), Charlotte (3) and Louis (10 months). "Harry will spend more time with his baby," says Katie Nicholl, author of the biography "Harry – A Life Between Love and Loss". Britain's largest royalty expert believes:

"It will be a grandfather, once the child is born, he will want to spend every minute with him."

<img clbad = "zoomable waving photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert-englien- -by- a-kaelte-between-kate-l-and-meghan-201079947-60702684 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" The English media speak of a cold between Kate (l.) and Meghan "data-zoom-title =" The English media speak of a cold between Kate (l.) and Meghan

Photo: AFP

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/englische-medien-sprech-von-einer-kaelte-zwischen-kate-l–und-meghan-201079947-60702684/Bild/2 .bild.jpg”/>

English media speak of a cold between Kate (left) and MeghanPhoto: AFP

And how does Bald-Mama Meghan cope with parental leave? "Six months are normal for the royal family for mothers, Kate did the same with her kids," Nicholl recalls. It was only after the birth of her eldest son, George, that she found her first official appointment after just four months. The royal expert said: "Meghan will be like her child and will take parental leave for six months."

It is said that Meghan and Harry want to do without nanny during the first months. "Even a Doula does not want to hire them," Nicholl said. It means a non-medical badistant who emotionally and physically supports the future mother before, during and after birth. Like a midwife.

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Photo: AFP

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Los Angeles reinforcement: Meghan's mother, 62-year-old Doria Ragland, moves to London after the birth of her grandson.Photo: AFP

Nicholl to BamS: "The couple wants a small team around them, Meghan will be relying on Harry and his mother, Doria Ragland, a few weeks after delivery." She is one of Meghan's most important people she is now planning to move from Los Angeles to London to get closer to her daughter and grandchild. A grandmother always has the best advice.

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