Racism in Germany: wiping technique, still wrong – column


When thousands of people began to tell #MeTwo about the racism they face in their daily lives, there were some who said the term "everyday racism" was inappropriate ]for different reasons. Like there was an occasional racism for normal use and a special racism for the holidays. Or as if daily racism was less serious than particularly scandalous cases. That the many small messages do not burn.

There is even more talk of racism, so many people have tried to erase the subject after all the excitement of Özil. Kristina Schröder, former Minister of the Family declared that it was not a sign of alarm that Mesut Özil was exposed to racism, but rather an alarm signal, if politics falls foul of racism To immunize behavior against criticism. "

Speaking of cheap Though the resignations of Mesut Özil and the #MeTwo experience relate to different things, many of the answers are very similar: once people explain how often they are wrong treated because their name or appearance looks like something to others that you absolutely must comment or minimize, someone who wants them to understand that there is no problem with racism, but that they are either stupid or crazy, wipe and go away or we call it racism, it can be, but that's not the question here, so the question is always to know how the allegations of racism can be eliminated without a trace.

The Catholic Pope?

The Retirement of Mesut Özil had people who thought that it could not be that a millionaire like Özil would be discriminated against, a common misunderstanding that occurs because the 'disc "elimination" seems to be a clear descendant phenomenon, but no one belongs to a single social group. You can also be badist with the Queen, you can break clbadic jokes about Melania Trump, talk about high-level politicians in anti-gay ways, or make anti-Semitic slogans about award-winning female artists. No matter how rich and respected a person is, they do not even need to be hurt or even be aware of it, and yet we can talk about racism, badism, clbadicism. , homophobia or antisemitism.

The simpler the understanding of discrimination – in doubt simply because "people are mean to me" – the easier it is to blame the affected people that they are just crying. But the accusation of harbadment is not so serious about the accusation of being insane or very stupid (or as feminist: hysterical).

The current discussion on Ozil and #MeTwo can be reduced to the somewhat miserable question: Is there more racism in Germany than Germans who are not affected by racism? This is for those who know racism, a question like "Is the Pope Catholic?" and for others, a very good subject for debate. It seems more obvious to some people that a large number of people with a name Ü, Y or Z are paranoid and are discriminated against because they have not heard anything themselves.

No reason with German-German seal of approval [19659006] Currently, amateur psychologists are again diagnosing "delusions of persecution" or dismissing allegations of racism as "confused" and "confusing" absurd "in the grotesque presumption that they might deny others not only their judgment on social conditions, but also their own experiences.

In the "Welt", Jan Küveler wrote a questionnaire on Mesut Özil, which said: "Does anyone, as we read, do anything other than play on the Playstation during his free time, even able to do it? To judge if and when it concerns racism and when it comes to their own stupidity? "

" No, we Germans are not racist And yes : we can integrate it ", tweeted" BamS "vice-boss Christian Lindner where the phrase" we Germans "shows that he did not understand two points in the debate. It never happens that "the Germans" are all racist, and on the other hand: those who complain about racism are even German. Anyone who has an understanding of "us Germans" who do not have those who complain about racism is part of the problem.

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