Raid on the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt


Suspicions on Deutsche Bank: police and prosecutors search the premises of the company. The allegation is money laundering.

The Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Office of Criminal Police search the Deutsche Bank. The investigation was aimed at suspecting money laundering, the Frankfurt prosecutor said Thursday. About 170 public prosecutors, the Federal Criminal Police, the tax investigation and the Federal Police raided 6 artefacts in the morning in Frankfurt, Eschborn and Groß-Umstadt.

According to the survey, the investigations are directed against two employees of 50 and 46 years old as well as other employees of the company not yet identified.

Assistance to offshore companies

After an evaluation of the data available to the Federal Criminal Police Office concerning "offshore leaks" and "Panama Papers", it was suspected that Deutsche Bank was helping its clients to set up offshore companies in tax havens and collect funds for offenses committed on their accounts. Deutsche Bank were transferred without the bank repaid the suspicious transaction reports.

The prosecution criticized the Institute for failing to comment before the Panama Papers were released in April 2016, although it found sufficient evidence to suggest that corporations were involved in tax evasion.

In 2016, more than 900 customers representing a business volume of 311 million euros would have been supported by a group company based in the British Virgin Islands.

Deutsche Bank wants to "cooperate fully"

In an initial statement, Deutsche Bank said: "It is true that the police are currently investigating different locations in our bank in Germany, this is a Panama Papers case and we will let you know as soon as we have more details. " We will cooperate fully with the authorities. "

During the searches, officials from the prosecutor's office, the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Tax Investigation Service and the Federal Police obtained numerous commercial documents in both written and electronic form. The badessment and investigations continued, said the prosecutor.

The news has not responded well to the stock market: the recent takeover of shares in the financial institution has come to an abrupt end. In the morning, newspapers fell by 4.89% to 8172 euros, but they recovered after something new.

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