Rain, hail, flood – Sahara summer hatched from strong storms – News Inland


Berlin – Now it's raining: After the heat of the Sahara with temperatures of about 30 degrees, the summer is plaguing strong storms. The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has issued official weather warnings for southwestern and southern Germany. Especially affected: the Palatinate, Central Bavaria, parts of southern Hesse to NRW.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/unwetterwarnung- 200845225-56215778 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Severe Weather Warning "data-zoom-title =" On this map of Wetterkontor are the areas in the south- west and south of Germany where Danger threatening, marked

Photo: www.wetterkontor.de

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/unwetterwarnung- 200845225-56215778 / Bild / 2.bild.jpg «/>

On this map of Wetterkontor are the regions of south-west and south of Germany where the weather threatens Photo: www.wetterkontor.de

In the counties, Euskirchen, Ahrweiler and The volcanic Eifel already predominate.

Floods are threatening because dry soils are not likely to absorb large amounts of rain.

Thunderstorms cause extremely heavy rain with rainfall between 30 and 60 liters per square meter per hour. , Also small, with grains of about three centimeters in diameter and partly heavy gusts around 80 km / h

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif ; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/fellbach-nach-starkregen-200845214-56215628/3,w=1280,c=0.bild. jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Fellbach after a heavy rain "data-zoom-title =" Nothing works on this tennis court in Fellbach, a room was flooded on two floors

Photo: SDMG

] "data-zoom-src =" https: // bilder.bild.de/fotos/fellbach-nach-starkregen-200845214-56215628/Bild/3.bild.jpg "/>

Nothing works on this tennis court in Fellbach, a room was flooded on two floors Photo: SDMG

In Baden-Württemberg already on Wednesday afternoon, the cellars were flooded, the traffic S-Bahn in Stuttgart was altered. In the flooded streets of Fellbach, a tennis hall was under the water

A storm with heavy rain and hail on the roof of a family home in Ingersheim near Ludwigsburg a fire on the first floor in a chevron runway

At the same time, the electricity in the building failed. Both residents became aware of the fire and immediately started extinguishing the fire with a fire extinguisher

Notified firefighters from Ingersheim and Bietigheim-Bissingen were able to quickly control the fire. # 39; fire. Nobody was hurt. The damage is estimated at 30,000 euros, according to an initial estimate.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert /hagel-200845210-56215558/2,w=1280,c=0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" hail "data-zoom-title =" Thick hail came from the sky to Weinstadt-Strümpfelbach

Photo: SDMG

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/bild/fotos/hagel-200845210-56215558/Bild/2.bild.jpg "/>

In Weinstadt-Strümpfelbach, thick hail came from the sky Photo: SDMG

The storms are – like a few weeks ago – always localized. This means that he comes to a county with big storms, while only a few miles are not felt.

Also Thursday in the southwest it will rain and thunderstorms are expected, only Friday is the best time in sight. Storms have to move east to Thuringia and Saxony

Germany split time

While it is pouring out and storms in the south of the country, according to DWD in the north and north -est, no cloud of rain remains in sight. Farmers complain about desiccated fields, threaten crop losses. And it stays warm, with temperatures ranging up to 30 degrees.

According to the State Office of Hesse for the Conservation of Nature, Environment and Geology (HLNUG), only two-thirds of the normally expected rainfall has fallen since February. Even a storm with heavy rain could not improve the situation significantly.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // bilder.bild.de/image-scaled/day- -200844549-56215510 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Reichstag "data-zoom-title =" Blue sky – and a lot of brown instead of the green lawn at Reichstag of Berlin

Photo: Paul Zinken / dpa

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/reichstag-200844549-56215510/Bild/2.bild.jpg "/ >

Blue sky – and a lot of brown instead of a green lawn at the Berlin Reichstag Photo: Paul Zinken / dpa

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