Rain money by mistake: a steel mill in Belgium pays 230 employees to 30 000 euros salary in excess


Charleroi –

By mistake, a Belgian steel mill has overpaid 230 employees this month with salaries of about € 30,000 each.

These are badly distributed premiums, the Belgian media reported during the weekend. The company Thy – Marcinelle de Charleroi wanted to recover the money – about seven million euros in total – no later than Monday.

Excess salary already in the casino

The total premium was also paid to employees who normally receive only € 1,600 per month. "I know that this sum does not belong to us and therefore I did not touch it," said an anonymous employee at the RTBF station.

"But some of my colleagues have been less cautious, I know one who even played at the casino." The legal situation in Belgium would be clear: those who receive money wrongly are obliged to repay immediately. (AP)

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