Ratingen Fire Department: extinguisher system in Unna District in use


The Ratingen fire department was on Saturday afternoon with the
Extinguishing system for a major fire in an industrial plant
Bönen is alarmed in the Kreis Unna

The vehicle on which the extinguisher system is connected was part of a national project ("firefighters case") in which the Ratingen firefighters cooperated . Through this cooperation, the Ratingen fire department was able to purchase the vehicle after the end of the project. With the maneuverable vehicle, the cut-off system can also be brought into poorly accessible areas on the deployment sites. The cutting extinguishing system itself operates as a pressure washer and delivers high pressure water. The water is mixed with a cutting agent (iron oxide such as Abrbadiv), so that it is possible to cut with the fire extinguishing through the walls, walls or slats of # 39; steel. When it was used in Böhne, where several rooms were stored with plastic and other recycled materials and were on fire, the extinguishing system was used to extinguish the burning plastic piles behind the walls. exteriors. By late evening, the mission of the four firefighter evaluation forces in the middle of the volunteer fire department could be completed.

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