Recall now also at Kaufland and Globus


Recall due to pathogenic agents: Frozen foods contaminated with listeria

The manufacturer Frenzel Tiefkühlwerke GmbH has issued a recall for the product "Frenzel Leipziger Allerlei, 450 g". It can not be excluded that frozen vegetables are contaminated with Listeria bacteria. Among other things, these bacteria can cause nausea and vomiting.

Dangerous Bacteria in Foods

Recently, reports of pathogens in frozen foods are on the rise. In recent years, several deaths have been reported by dangerous bacteria in frozen foods in some parts of Europe. And a few days ago it was discovered that Listeria was found in frozen vegetables in Lidl. Now another producer has started a recall of frozen products.

The manufacturer Frenzel Tiefkühlwerke GmbH recalls the product "Frenzel Leipziger Allerlei, 450 g". Frozen vegetables sold at Kaufland and Globus may contain Listeria. (Image: -MG /

Frozen product contaminated with Listeria

As reported by the retail chains Kaufland and Globus, the manufacturer Frenzel Tiefkühlwerke GmbH recalls the product "Frenzel Leipziger Allerlei, 450 g" [19659008] According to the information, only the lot is concerned by the recall: M8 108 F3, MHD 04/2020

"It can not be excluded that the frozen product is contaminated by Listeria monocytogenes", indicates a statement

Consumption is strongly discouraged

Listeria can trigger so-called "listeriosis" in humans. The disease can cause flu-like symptoms such as vomiting, muscle aches, diarrhea and fever.

In healthy adults, the disease usually takes a harmless course, but: "For some groups of people (pregnant women, children younger, immunocompromised),

Because of this health risk, clients should be aware of the recall and not consume the affected product

The affected product may be returned to all stores. The purchase price will also be refunded without presentation of the receipt. (Ad)

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