Reduce breasts with too much coffee?


Lund – Swedish researchers have discovered that more than three cups of coffee a day can shrink women's bads.

<img sizes = "(max-width: 579px) 100vw, 58vw" srcset = " 465w, https: //media.tag24 .de / 2 / d / 0 / d02da1cb6138397408be.jpg 555w, 615w "alt =" Do not worry, just because you drank too much of coffee, your bads will not go away overnight.] Do not worry, just because you drank too much coffee, your bads will not go away overnight.

For a study on bad cancer, scientists at Lund University measured the bads of 300 women and documented their coffee consumption.

The result is amazing, even shocking for some in size. Because the researchers claim, based on their findings, that three cups of coffee a day can already cause bad reduction.

In men, excessive coffee consumption causes the opposite: their bads will grow

but not. Because the director of the study, Helena Jernstroem, gives in part the go-ahead. Only women who have a particular gene are affected. And even with these, the "shrinkage process" is very slow. Your bads will not dissolve in the air.

However, the study led to another conclusion: then, coffee containing caffeine obviously reduces the risk of bad cancer. Because caffeine alters the metabolism of estrogen, which is responsible for the formation of cancer-promoting substances.

Regular coffee consumption also has a positive effect.

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