Refugee Council NRW considers Mayors offer as a signal


Birgit Naujoks, Director of the North Rhine-Westphalia Refugee Council, considers that the offer of mayors of Cologne, Düsseldorf and Bonn to include more migrants rescued in the Mediterranean is "a signal that it is not necessary to continue the isolation ". another course is conceivable. "Naujoks said that the" world "she hopes that other communities are speaking publicly and willing to accept the refugees.

With her letter, the three mayors Ashok Sridharan (Bonn, CDU ), Henriette Reker (Cologne, no party) and Thomas Geisel (Dusseldorf, SPD) have taken the mood of broad layers of the population, said Naujoks. "There are also those who say you can not to absorb everyone – but let people drown, it will not work. "The Naujoks also pointed out the problems:" In the three cities, there is indeed a great shortage of housing, and there is not enough housing for many refugees, and in the past, housing was sometimes catastrophic.

In the integration courses, waiting times are sometimes too long. "Nevertheless, these cities have shown that you can welcome many more people. "

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