Refugee Policy – Italy also shortens ports for EU vessels


In the future, Italy apparently no longer wants to accept refugees who are rescued from the Mediterranean by ships of the naval mission of the EU "Sophia". According to the daily "Die Welt", this is the result of a letter from the Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, to Federica Mogherini, head of the foreign policy of the EU. At ambbadador level in Brussels, alternative solutions have been discussed since Wednesday, a consensus was not found, according to the report. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has called for a European solution for the rescue of refugees in Berlin

The mission of Eunavfor Med Operation Sophia, led by the EU, is to prevent traffickers and traffickers. Ships sail in the central Mediterranean, where a large portion of migrants are trying to reach Italy and therefore the EU. The Bundeswehr is also involved in the mission

"We immediately request a revision of the operational plan for the landing rules, in order to align them fully with the principle of an equitable distribution of tasks", quotes the "world" from the letter of Foreign Minister Milanesi. Italy was "no longer in a position" to comply with Eunavfor Med's operational plans. These were based on the late Frontex "Triton" mission. "As part of this mission, all rescued migrants were brought exclusively to Italian ports – without being shared among the member states."

Brok: "Low Point of Humanity"

This representation contradicts the foreign policy of the EU. Italian Interior Minister Salvini practiced right-wing populist rhetoric. Salvini claims that the refugees all remain in Italy, but that is not true. "Italy bears no burden whatsoever," said the CDU politician. The fact that Italy does not even want to bring the ships of the naval mission "Sophia" from the EU if it has refugees is "the weak point of humanity," Brok said. to the newspapers of the Funke press group. the EU's mission to save lives too. "Italy creates an unbearable situation," criticized Brok. In recent weeks, Italy has refused to allow several relief vessels with refugees, especially private organizations.

Merkel opts for a European solution

Merkel said at his summer press conference that the Italian government had gone to the EU Discussion on how the solidarity of Europe can be applied on this subject The country does not want to be solely responsible for all incoming rescuers. It is therefore a global solution that must exist in Europe.

The Chancellor said that she appreciated their work on the missions of the civilian rescue teams. They saved many lives in the past. Rescue at sea is first and foremost an international task "from which we can not get out," said the head of the government. At the same time, Merkel stressed that it was important "that non-governmental organizations involved in rescue operations respect Libyan territorial waters".

Libya rejects criticism

Libyan Prime Minister Fajis al-Sarradsch defended the coastguard. To report that refugees were in distress in the sea, al-Sarraj told the tabloid "Bild": "These are huge allegations that are not true." Every day, hundreds of people have been saved off the coast of Libya. Nevertheless, he stressed that his government needed more technical and financial support for the rescue.

The Spanish aid organization Proactiva Open Arms had accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving two women and a child in a wrecked canoe. have. The three year old and one of the women had drowned. (EPD / mig)

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