Refugee vessel in the Mediterranean: Salvini's clashes with the "bon vivants"



  Aware that Malta is responsible for the reception of the new refugee ship: the Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini

greets Malta as responsible for the reception of the new ship refugee: the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini. REUTERS)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The sighting of another refugee vessel in the Mediterranean threatens to exacerbate the dispute between Italy and Malta. More than 400 people would be aboard a two-decker wooden. Italian Interior Minister Salvini Proposes Hard Line

The two EU Member States, Italy and Malta, are once again fighting for the responsibility of a ship refugee in the southern Mediterranean between the island state and the Italian island of Lampedusa. 400 to 450 migrants would be on board the ship.

The Italian Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, said that he would not allow the ship to dock in an Italian port. "Malta, traffickers and welfare seekers all over Italy and all over the world should know that this ship can not and must not enter an Italian port," said the party's leader. 39, far right Lega

. The ship would be closer to Italian than to Maltese territory. In addition, people prefer to travel to Italy on board. According to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ship had alerted the Sea Rescue Center in Rome on Friday morning that it had on board miners who "needed urgent help". However, the ship was in Maltese waters at that time

Italian media reported that the ship was heading to Italy, the island of Lampedusa. We do not know what kind of boat is and who controls it. According to media reports, it is a two-story wooden ship. This would be a novelty, because until now, smugglers were sending migrants generally in dinghies from Libya to the sea towards Europe. With such boats, it is almost impossible to master a pbadage to Europe alone, even in favorable weather conditions.

More information on the subject

The two countries of southern Europe have repeatedly pleaded the responsibility of refugee vessels in recent weeks. Last month, Malta had to host the refugee support ship "Lifeline" with 234 people on board. A few days earlier, Italy and Malta had rejected the relief vessel "Aquarius" with 630 refugees on board, so it was to be diverted after days of wandering in Spain.

Salvini wants to reduce to zero the number of refugees arriving in Italy. In June he had decided that ships badisting refugees on board should no longer be allowed to dock in Italian ports. Italy is the main destination for refugees arriving in the EU from Africa via the Mediterranean.

Italy has denied aid organizations access to the country's ports. There is currently no private maritime rescue service in the Mediterranean. They are accused of playing indirectly with smugglers by saving migrants from dirty boats and bringing them to Italy. Critics call Salvini's uncompromising approach as cynical and irresponsible.


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