Refugees in Spain: the rights of Spain discover migration


The barrier is ineffective, "says Javier Ortega," We need to build a wall high enough. "At 10 or 12 meters, the general secretary of the small right-wing party Vox thinks: A wall to hold the" frenzies "that jump over the six-meter-high fence of the Spanish North African exclave Ceuta or the twin city Melilla.Today, there were more than 600 people in Ceuta who wanted to get closer to their dream of living in Europe

In Spain, there are so many immigrants without entry permits this year that in twelve years.At that time, in 2006, they made their way to the Canary Islands especially in large wooden boats on the West African coast, now they are trying out Ceuta and Melilla, but mostly in the small boats of Morocco across the Strait of Gibraltar in Andalusia, about 21 000 people have landed on the ground Spanish for the first seven months, for the first time once a long time, more than in Italy