Region of the city Aachen: Measles is on the rise. Vaccination is highly recommended!


Eight cases of measles have been detected in the Aachen region since mid-June.

Affected individuals are between three months and 28 years old. The health department of the Aachen region urges to use the next doctor's visit to refresh the missing vaccines. It is expected that there will be more cases of disease

"Measles is not a harmless infantile disease.They are very contagious.Many anyone who comes in contact with the virus and is not protected falls ill.Just a short contact with the measles virus is enough, "says Dr. med. Verena Bochat, Head of Infection Protection Department, StädteRegion Aachen Department of Health. Viruses can weaken the immune system and cause serious complications. The ears, lungs and brain can be damaged permanently. There are always deadly forms.

If a red and irregular rash follows with fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis, dry cough and photosensitivity, a measles disease should be clarified by the doctor. Even if a measles disease is suspected, community facilities such as schools, kindergartens or summer camps may not be visited.

There is an effective vaccine recommended by the Standing Committee on Immunization. All children should receive combined vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella at 1114 months of age and a second vaccination at 15-23 months of age. Sufficient immunization coverage is available after two vaccinations

Adults born after 1970 also need to be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella if they do not have clear immunization status

or are never vaccinated against measles. were. Older people have generally contracted measles and are thus protected.

Due to increasingly important tourism, travelers without adequate immunization often get sick on vacation and bring the infectious disease back to their home country. There, it is the contagion of other people, who do not have protection against measles either. In Europe, the number of measles cases nearly tripled last year. Romania, Italy and Ukraine are particularly affected. But in North, South and Central America too, the number of measles cases has risen sharply this year compared to the previous year. Therefore, measles vaccine protection needs to be urgently reviewed before traveling to these countries.

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