Rejection of asylum seekers: Seehofer declares a dispute with Merkel to settle



  According to Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer, they can (again) work well together.

According to Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer, they can (still) work well together. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The arguments about Seehofer's "Masterplan Migration" are difficult. Meanwhile, the interior minister even threatens to resign. But now, there is a unit of trust with Chancellor Merkel. There is no point in the number of EU polls

Horst Seehofer, the leader of the CSU, considers that the conflict with Chancellor Angela Merkel on asylum policy is over. "We are looking forward," said the Federal Minister of the Interior of "Bild am Sonntag". "I always say that the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror, and we've always stayed that way." If the agreements of the Great Coalition and the proposals of its "master plan" were implemented, "an ever lower number of asylum seekers will come to Germany," predicts Seehofer

. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder sees the compromise as an opportunity to weaken the AfD. "In any case, he repels the AfD," he told the "Welt am Sonntag". The recent poll shows the opposite: As shown by the new Forsa Institute's RTL / n-tv trend barometer, the AfD achieves the highest value ever measured in such an investigation. In an election in the Bundestag, the party would now reach 16%, up from one percentage point the week before.

CDU and CSU, however, lose one percentage point and would only participate together in a federal election of 30%. This is mainly due to the weakness of Christian Social in Bavaria, which would only reach 34%. In a state election, this would only seem slightly better: there, only 38% of those polled would vote for the party.

Seehofer wants to present his "Migration Master Plan" this Tuesday. At the original version of the fierce asylum dispute between CDU and CSU had ignited. Seehofer had expected that elsewhere in the EU, already registered asylum seekers should be returned to the German border. Merkel refused. The conflict in which Seehofer threatened to resign and the union community was about to collapse was only allowed last week.

"We send a signal to the world"

After the compromise between the CDU, the CSU and Now, only asylum seekers who have already requested asylum in another country of the 39 EU should be rejected at the German-Austrian border – and only on the basis of agreements with new travelers and with Austria, which still need to be negotiated. The question of whether such agreements are successful is uncertain.

million. Seehofer nevertheless considered that the compromise marked a change of asylum in Germany: "We send the signal that illegal migration is no longer worth it". Basically, the government is finally acting. The fact that the planned measures concern relatively few migrants is secondary. He had a substantive argument with the Chancellor.

He could, of course, continue to work confidently with Merkel. "It's also our duty and our responsibility to the people," said CSU head of "Bild am Sonntag". "None of us has questioned the existence of the government – at any time."

Seehofer had threatened his resignation as Minister of the Interior and Merkel at the height of the conflict. "I will not be defeated by a chancellor who is chancellor only because of me," he told the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" shortly before the meeting, where the two brother parties finally found a compromise

Söder defended the controversial term "asylum tourism", which the CSU had invented at the height of the conflict. "The population understands the word" asylum tourism "unfortunately very precise," he said the "Sunday World". People do not understand that migrants are returning to Germany, which is already subject to a ban on entry. "A large part of the citizens also wonder: why should someone who has filed an asylum application in Spain continue his steps in Germany?"

The SPD party and group leader Andrea Nahles threw Söder and Julia On the other hand, Klöckner intends to incite resentment against refugees with such a choice of words. "When Mr Söder and Mrs Klöckner talk about 'asylum tourism', they talk like the AfD, which pushes standards, hurts values, serves resentment," Nahles told Welt am Sonntag. Klöckner used the term in an ARD interview


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