Relieving traffic: Munich gets a cable car?



Connecting traffic Does Munich get a cable car?

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  Inaugural trip for the BUGA cable car in Munich   Inaugural trip for the BUGA cable car in Munich

At the 2005 Federal Horticultural Show, there was already a cable car in Munich

Source: pa / dpa / dpaweb / Daniel Karmann

Munich is on the verge of collapse of traffic, but there is a lack of space to develop public transport. Bavarian Transport Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) is now checking whether a cable car is possible in the north of Munich.

K Will the people of Munich be able to go to work or go shopping in a cable car? Minister of Transport Ilse Aigner (CSU) and Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) presented a cable car concept on the Frankfurter Ring on Wednesday. This could supplement public transport in the state capital. The generator of ideas is the Schörghuber group of companies, as the Ministry of Transport announced. The project estimated at 50 million euros is now to be presented to the Munich City Hall

Four stations could be created on a journey of 4.5 kilometers, which in turn would be connected to the metro and tram network . The train would be 50 to 60 meters high. At a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per hour and a capacity of 32 people per cabin, the information could be carried in one direction after 4000 people per hour.

Cableway to relieve traffic

Minister Aigner said: "OB-Reiter finds the exciting idea:" A cable car could carry a surprising number of pbadengers in a short time and would be both fast and relatively inexpensive to implement. "

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) showed a rather mild enthusiasm on Tuesday according to" Süddeutsche Zeitung "." This is a very sensitive topic, "said Söder.There are always two sides: those who point to the effect on the traffic, then those who are concerned with optics.And it is important to hear both sides. "This must be done in the biggest agreement with the local population. "

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