Renewable energy in the electrical capacity for the first time before conventional


The expansion of renewable energies is progressing: for the first time, green energy in Germany has a higher electrical capacity than conventional power plants. This is apparent from the joint monitoring report of the Federal Cartel Office and the Federal Network Agency.

Renewable energy had a capacity of 112.5 gigawatts in 2017, more than coal-fired, nuclear and other 105.1 gigawatts. In 2016, the ratio was 104.5 gigawatts for green energy and 107.5 gigawatts for conventional generation.

Since wind or solar energy is rarely used at full power due to weather conditions, coal, gas or nuclear power plants are clearly ahead in terms of actual electricity production. TWh only about one-third of renewable energy sources, while 396.6 TWh came from conventional sources.

The price of electricity remains stable

Good news for consumers: according to the study, the average price of electricity for residential customers remained stable at 29.88 cents per kilowatt hour, after 29.86 cents the year before the 1st April 2018, even as there are more ecoENERGIES on the market. On the plus side, network costs have decreased.

Jochen Homann, head of the Federal Network Agency, has called on consumers to compare suppliers' offers. "Changing the electricity supplier often saves a lot of money," he said. "In this regard, it is incomprehensible that the switching rate for customers in the electricity sector stagnates."

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