Renewable energy in the electrical capacity for the first time before conventional | TIME ONLINE


The expansion of
renewable energies in Germany are progressing. For the first time, the
Capacity of solar power plants, wind turbines and other green power plants before
conventional power plants. the
get out of that joint control report of the Federal Office of Cartels and
Federal Network Agency

Renewable energies thus had one last year
Capacity of 112.5 gigawatts, more than coal plants,
Nuclear power plants and other facilities that reached 105.1 gigawatts. For comparison: in 2016, the gigawatt ratio was still
from 104.5 (eco) to 107.5 gigawatts (conventional).

Electricity production still uses conventional facilities
before. Of the 601.4 terawatt hours in total last year, there was only a
Third of renewable energies
, According to antitrust authorities and authorities Bundesnetzagentur among others
that wind or solar systems depend on the time that it does and
therefore less frequently the full power of recovery.

The price of electricity remains stable

According to
The study remained the average price of electricity for residential customers
stable at 29.88 cents per kilowatthour as of the April 1, 2018 deadline –
and that even if there is more green energy on the market, their electricity is more expensive

On the plus side, network costs have decreased. I also have
by the splitting of companies like E.on and RWE, also
Market power of former energy companies reduced. " However,
It is important for us to continue the market situation in Germany
"said anti-monopoly President Andreas Mundt
Among others, be observed, as expected by the end of 2022
Nuclear elimination in Germany.

The boss of
Federal Network Agency, Jochen Homann, appealed to consumers
Online comparison portals to use and on the change of
Think of the electricity supplier. "The competition remains
essential element, households face the rise in electricity prices
He said that changing the electricity supplier often makes for substantial savings, according to Homann, "that's incomprehensible.
that the switchover rate for electricity customers stagnates in 2017 ".
Antitrust boss Mundt was delighted with the trend towards more
Competition in the electricity market, as this offers price advantages for consumers

The grand coalition wants the green energy Continue to grow in 2019 and 2020.

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