Report: Italy Investigates German Refugee Rescuers | DOMRADIO.DE


According to a press report, Italy is investigating German private refugee rescuers. The prosecution in Trapani, Sicily, has investigated more than 20 badistants suspected of supporting illegal migration in Italy.

This is reported by the "Spiegel".

Among the victims are representatives of the organizations Médecins Sans Frontières and Save the Children. Ten of the accused were crew members of the rescue boat "Iuventa" of the Berlin badociation "Jugend Rettet". It was confiscated by the Italian authorities barely a year ago.

Investigators in Trapani, according to the report, suspect the accused of collaborating with Libyan smugglers. However, a few weeks before the start of the trial in Trapani, the prosecutor's office in Palermo had asked, according to the report, to close the investigations on rescue operations in the Mediterranean. There is "no evidence" of cooperation between aid agencies and smugglers.

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