Resumption of the fixed telephone number: the Federal Network Agency forbids Freikom to pay too high fees



(Image: dpa, Marc Müller / Symbolbild)

Instead of 39.95 euros, the free provider can charge only 9.61 euros for the drive of a number fixed, decides the Federal Network Agency.

39.90 Euro wanted to have the provider Freikom to take a Ortsnetzrufnummer – the Federal Network Agency banned this charge to a consumer complaint. Instead, the regulator set a net royalty of 9.61, well below the market maximum of 29.95 euros. It is the company of Schleswig-Holstein free to demand a lower price or provide the service for free.

Consumers should only be charged for costs incurred once during the change, explained the Federal Network Agency. Freikom has not proven higher costs. Although the decision has only a direct effect on this provider, the regulatory authority nevertheless speaks of a "signal effect" to verify other carrier charges for fixed network numbers.

Remains to be seen if the signal is heard in the industry. To take a closer look at suppliers who want to charge more than 9.61 euros, which the agency has now identified as the European benchmark.

Mobile telephony has had an upper limit on the 29.95 € carry charge since 2004. Fixed At the limit of 29.95 euros as upper limit for a Portierungsentgelt up to here mobile providers and the fixed network have largely kept, "he said to the question of heise online, why up to here no industrial limit the fixed line was fixed

[UPDATE, 18.07.2018, 16:10] [19659007] Declaration of the Federal Network Agency completed


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