Rezo video: debacle for GroKo parties in European elections – Rezo effect?


YouTuber Rezo begins with "Destruction of the CDU", a 55-minute rant against all parties. Is the electoral defeat of the CDU in the European elections one of the consequences?

  • The creator Rezo said Saturday in his video "The destruction of the CDU" that he had criticized the politics of the parties of the Union. The video has been viewed more than eight million times.
  • The CDU responded Thursday in an open letter to criticize you 26 years and represents their point of view.
  • Supported by more than 80 YouTube creators, Rezo launches another video Friday, clearly calling for neither the Union nor the SPD to vote in the European elections.

>>> <<< update

17h00: The final official result of the European elections in Germany is available – and it's a clear advantage for the GroKo parties. The SPD reaches an unfortunate 15.8% and the Union has also lost significantly. While it had reached 35.3% in the 2014 European elections, it will be only 28.9% in 2019. The reason for the crash of the CDU / CSU seems quickly found: the Union has too long neglected the theme of environmental protection and therefore could not score points at the time of "Fridays for the future", especially among young voters.

But is this crisis also directly related to the video "The destruction of the CDU" of the creator Rezo, broadcast shortly before the European elections? In the 55-minute video, the 26-year-old blue-haired man had strongly criticized the politics of the Union. The video has been viewed 12 million times and has collected a million likes. In the video, the creator even asks: "Do not vote for the CDU / CSU, do not vote for the SPD!" A request that young people formulated, consciously or independently of Rezo's call: only 13% of those under 30 voted in the European elections at the CDU, 10% of this age group at the SPD.

Until now, there is no evidence of a "Rezo effect". Nevertheless, many social network users thank the #dankerezo YouTube tag for the election result. Nevertheless, AKK called Rezo's video "opinion," warning the opposition against censorship.

Suffice it to say that a video of Rezos would not have done anything #dankerezo

– BaumausBerlin (@ FabianSeidel3) May 26, 2019

The fact that 33% of people under 30 voted for the Greens could support the thesis of the existence of a "rezo effect". Because Rezo specifically criticized GroKo's environmental policy. And voters see the Green Party's greatest competence in climate and environmental policy, according to a survey commissioned by Tagesschau. As a result, climate protection and environmental protection played the most important role for 88% of the green voters in the European elections.

Although a "Rezo effect" can not yet be confirmed for the moment, the creator has definitely captivated the nerves of young voters with his video.

Rezo video: CDU Secretary General acknowledges his mistakes – "We reacted too slowly"

11:31: CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak has acknowledged public relations failures in the light of the Union's controversial reaction to a video critical of YouTuber Rezo shortly before the European elections. Ziemiak initially reacted disdainfully Thursday to the video – and invited Rezo after public criticism on the subject for an exchange of views. Ziemiak said in a Monday picture-Parler: "We reacted too slowly to this video, but the resources we have in online communication are too weak to communicate with young people." Rezo has not yet responded to the call to the CDU for interviews. respond. "We asked his direction, but he has not answered yet."

Ziemiak had already announced Sunday night after the heavy losses of the Union in the European elections on ZDF on ZDF to seek in the future more dialogue with young people. Conversion takes time and patience. The result of the European elections, however, encourages us to push even further.

CDU Wahlschlappe because of Rezo's video? "We will have to work"

Update of May 27, 2019: Tilman Kuban, chairman of the Junge Union (JU), accused the CDU leadership of huge content and communication errors and called for a thorough examination of the causes of the losses suffered in the European elections. "The CDU has lost a lot of confidence," said the president of the CDU-CSU youth organization in Berlin. In the debate over copyright and the anti-CDU video of YouTubers Rezo these last days have been committed "serious communication errors". "We will have to work on that," Kuban asked.

Update of May 26, 2019: YouTuber Rezo remains the subject of politics after the European elections. After the party's losses in the European elections, CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak announced the need to strengthen dialogue with young people. Ziemiak said in a ZDF video on ZDF, viewing the YouTuber Rezo anti-CDU video, that last week had clearly shown the communication deficits. Conversion takes time and patience. The result of the European elections, however, encourages us to push even further. The CDU should be more involved in dialogue on all channels with young people.

Regarding the European elections, Ziemiak said: "This is not the result of what we wanted." But the Union had become the most powerful force.

In the European elections, voters punished the Union and the SPD. The SPD, which fell below 16% and took third place behind the Greens, was particularly hard hit. They celebrated with about 21% of a triumphant success and were for the first time the second party of the national elections. CDU / CSU has also lost considerable popularity, but with just under 29% of the most powerful force.

Never before had Union and SPD got such bad results in a European election. The SPD lost about eleven percentage points compared to the last European elections of 2014, compared to about seven points for the Union. Together, they landed well below 50%.

The Greens have however doubled their results. His best candidate, Ska Keller, spoke of a "sensational result". Party chairman Robert Habeck said, "The result exceeds all expectations and is an order to resist this popularity."

Update of May 25, 2019 at 7:50 am: According to Bernd Riexinger, director of Linke, Youtuber Rezo is right in his fundamental criticism of the CDU. "I'm absolutely excited, people always say that young people are not politicized, I do not see it at all," the German news agency Riexinger told a news conference Friday evening. campaign in Berlin. The fact that more than five million people have watched such a political video is truly sensational. The Rezos Anti-CDU video recorded more than 7.5 million clicks on Friday.

Riexinger also demonstrates understanding for the more than 70 Youtubeurs who have joined Rezo in a second video in which they call in the Sunday European elections no to the CDU, the CSU, the SPD and not to vote for the AfD . The CDU and the SPD are the longest in the government, said the leftist leader. "The social gap has widened, we are not meeting our climate protection goals, we are selling the future of the younger generation. (…) I think this criticism is completely justified. ".

Rezo YouTube Video: AKK rejects charges against UDC

Update from May 24th at 8:43 pm: After the SPD, the CDU reacts to the video of YouTuber Rezo, in which he is clearly no longer to vote for the parties in power. Unlike the Social Democrats, the union Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer became the leader of the party in a press release. "This is an expression of opinion in the last days of the election campaign, as are other opinions. We said our share for climate protection," said the 56-year-old.

AKK rejects Youtuber's allegations against the CDU and underlines the direction of its party's environmental policy: "I say very clearly: whether on YouTube or elsewhere, we all want to achieve climate protection goals. " At the same time, the Union wants to maintain jobs and create a balanced society to be. "We are also convinced that everything is fine together, which is why we are fighting."

Rezo YouTube Video: SPD video responds to critics

Update from May 24 at 8pm: The criticism of the YouTubers, who opposed the politics of the ruling parties and the AfD after the video of Rezo, reached the social democrats. For its part, the SPD gave Friday night an answer to unsatisfied web video producers who wish to speak on behalf of a whole generation. Unlike the Union, in the Willy-Brandt-Haus, I was not chosen for an open letter, but – in the spirit of the critics – for a video.

The clip, which has been uploaded to the Social Democrats YouTube channel, is barely six minutes away and three SPD politicians are commenting on the allegations. The candidate candidate, Katharina Barley, searches in vain because, apart from the fact that the 50-year-old is in the middle of the last push of his election campaign, the SPD has probably opted for younger representatives. Juso's secretary general, Kevin Kühnert (29) and Timo Wölken (31), a member of the European Parliament, came to get video support from Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil.

Rezo YouTube Video: SPD wants to show solidarity with critics – "We have achieved your criticism"

"We have reached your criticism.First of all, I want to say that I am right to think that you are politically active," Klingbeil said at the beginning of the statement, setting the tone of it. The SPD wants to show solidarity with young voters and, above all, stand out from its coalition partners. The Secretary-General also said that climate change has "major conflicts" with the Union and that the Social Democrats advocated a law on climate protection – unlike "unambitious" politicians.

"I want to contact you and engage in dialogue," concludes Klingbeil. The CEO of Juso, Kühnert, expresses his solidarity with the discontented creators: "We do not need to say that climate change is the biggest challenge" We stand before ", says the 29-year-old and later adds: "Let's talk about how this way of looking can look like and not the need or not of this situation.

SPD wants to chat with Rezo and other YouTube stars: "invite us – we come"

Wölken, also a candidate in Sunday's elections, promotes a cross at the SPD because the Social Democrats want to influence by setting European standards on CDU policy in Germany. Klingbeil concludes by repeating his offer: "Organize us, invite us, we promise you, we come, whether in the election campaign or not."

With just under 5,000 calls in one hour, the SPD can only dream of the size of the click of a Rezo, but the Social Democrats show that they are able to react quickly to events. Just four hours after Rezo's new video, the SPD was in line with his answer.

Update of May 24th at 17:10: Five days after his video "The Destruction of the CDU", which probably shaped the political course of this week, and the day after a letter from the Union's electoral response, the Rezo YouTuber returns with another clip. This bears the much less controversial title "A statement of 80 people youtubers" and proves it. Rezo, 26, can only be seen at the beginning of the video and carries the words "This is an open letter, a statement", a. After that, other major and minor faces of the YouTube video platform take over.

YouTubers hear with the government parties: "That's why we are asking everyone not to vote at the CDU"

More than 80 Web video producers have joined behind their pioneer Rezo to fight the Great Coalition. The clip is this time directed not only against the parties of the Union, but also against the partner of the SPD coalition. One behind the other, the best-known creators make a statement, while at the bottom of the video, a list lists all the videographers involved. As in the first video, the focus is on environmental policy. CDU, CSU and SPD would adopt an erroneous environmental policy, which would lead to irreversible damage. Among those contributing to the statement are platform sizes such as Julien Bam, Rewinside, DagiBee or Katja Krasavice.

For creators, therefore, it is clear: "In all cases, we must ensure that parties are motivated to act in the spirit of science and that the obvious incentive we can create is that they lose Only then will they have a reason to change their behavior. "Rezo and Co. leave the open letter of the CDU and its Relativierungversuche and clbadifications are left behind and direct their clear and unchanged demand towards the public.

Rezo vs. CDU: after two hours, nearly 300,000 calls

"That's why we ask you all: do not vote for the CDU Do not choose the CSU and do not choose the SPD Do not choose another party that makes so little sense in the sense of logic and science and destroying our future in accordance with the scientific consensus.And certainly does not choose the AfD, which even denies this consensus. "Clear words that the YouTube community addresses to its mainly young target group.

Web video producers anticipate the CDU's responses to this statement. You may be accused of being bought or having participated in fake campaigns. As a result, the CDU has resorted to such irreverent techniques this year. Rezo, who has certainly become a kind of political opinion leader for a growing generation in recent days, concludes the video himself with a conclusion for the ruling parties: "And we speak on behalf of many citizens when we say you're dealing with her No friends. "After nearly two hours, the new clip was already nibbling at 300,000 calls.

Rezo is raging in video against CDU: the Union responds with the means of yesterday

Update of May 24 at 16h10: "In our free country, everyone can express their opinion, thank God." With these words, the CDU begins its open letter to YouTuber Rezo, who put the People's Party with his distressed web clip. The eleven-page letter, published Thursday on the party's home page, titled "Open Response to Rezo: How We See the Question" and, in this document, the Union refers before all to three critics formulated by the 26-year-old flashy hairstyle man in his video.

This is the announced counterattack, which should also be videotaped by MP Philipp Amthor, 26 (see update at 7:55). Instead of a video on YouTube, the German People's Party has replicated with a PDF document in which it wishes to defend itself against the harsh claims of the video producer on the Web. First and foremost, the CDU focuses on three points: the alleged failure of the party's education and equal opportunities policy, the Union's overly unequal environmental policy and the involvement of Germany. to alleged war crimes and the controversial American military base of Ramstein. ,

However, a more modern answer to Rezo's video was provided by former Bundestag member Ruprecht Pohlenz (CDU). The CDU politician from Münster wrote an open letter to Rezo on Facebook, for example: * reported.

CDU response to Rezo's YouTube video: "Everyone" must join the group

In the first part of the open letter, the CDU draws attention to the results achieved during the last legislatures. The Union cites in particular the number of unemployed who have decreased compared to 2005 and, in a list at the end of the paragraph, other headings such as "Growing Gross Domestic Product", "Net Income Rising" or "Rise in fees and gross revenues".

Regarding the climate crisis, the party notes that Germany is responsible for only 2.3% of global CO2 emissions and that it alone could not bring about any serious change. This would show that "everyone must participate," the party writes, transferring the responsibility to other states. Germany sets a good example, writes the CDU, listing the achievements of renewable energies in recent years. Among them, it is stated that total emissions in Germany of about 344 million tons, or 27.5%, decreased from 1990 to 2017 or that the expansion of new photovoltaic capacity would increase further for several years.

Rezo accuses the CDU of being involved in war crimes – Union badesses the situation differently

With regard to the controversial US military base at Ramstein, which is used by the US military to control drones, the Union said that Germany had "a limited ability to investigate on the immunity status of Ramstein Rezo had criticized in his video that Germany would act too little on the US In addition, the death of several Reuters journalists following an attack by US drone, that Rezo described as "war crimes", is perceived differently by the Union.It was indeed a "terrible incident", but not a war crime, the soldiers did not shoot knowingly about civilians.

Only four days after Rezo's video, there is the counter-attack in which the CDU represents his point of view. However, for the 7.5 million people who have seen the creator clip up to now, the statement may be late. In addition, especially for people who are not particularly interested in politics, a video on YouTube is much more accessible than an eleven-page letter on the homepage of the CDU. If this answer could reduce the potential damage caused by the Rezo video for the CDU, this could already be indicated Sunday. A new European Parliament is also elected in Germany.

YouTuber Rezo evokes "the destruction of the CDU": Amthor responds – but the party turns around

Update May 24 at 7:55 am: In fact, the CDU wanted to counter YouTuber's harsh criticism "Rezo" with a video – at least, that writes picture, Philipp Amthor, member of the Bundestag and, like Rezo, 26, was supposed to lead the counter-strike. However, this has never been published.

Instead of an outing Wednesday at 3 pm, the video already produced has ended. "We decided not to broadcast video," Bild was told in Konrad-Adenauer-Haus circles, where the answer film was probably produced. Instead, the CDU invited the creator to dialogue.

Rezo criticizes CDU in a video – An AfD politician supports YouTubers

Update of May 23 at 3:35 pm: A member of the AfD parliament faces the YouTuber Rezo. Paul Hampel emphasizes in his video "The destruction of the CDU": "It is important for us today, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Basic Law, to fully defend the fundamental right to freedom of life. Expression and defend people like Rezo against censorship and defamation. "The scathing criticism of the CDU's policy by Rezo" strikes at the letter and inscribes itself totally in the line of conduct of the 39; AfD ".

Video: Rezo settles with politicians – this is how the CDU reacts

Update of May 23 at 12:46 pm: The CDU invites the YouTuber Rezo to hold an exchange of views and qualifies its criticism as partially justified. "Let's talk about your criticism of the CDU, but listen to us too, if we see things," writes general secretary Paul Ziemiak on Twitter. "Not like a show, but like most of us here: for the sake of our future and ways to make our planet a test of the future, ideas for better solutions. Let's meet for that I can talk to each other. "

6/7 Let's talk about your criticism of the CDU, but listen to us please.

– Paul Ziemiak (@PaulZiemiak) May 23, 2019

7/7 Not like a show, but like most people around us: for the sake of our future and as ways to prepare our planet for the future, ideas for better solutions. Appointment so that we can talk. Philipp #Amthor comes too. Your paul

– Paul Ziemiak (@PaulZiemiak) May 23, 2019

In addition, Ziemiak writes: "We have been doing this for the CDU for 70 years: we do not destroy ourselves, we listen to each other, we talk to each other, we find common solutions." The party does it only because our Europe has been completely destroyed. was. As a result of this circumstance – a result of the Second World War – "we united as a Union, rebuilt our country with others and contributed, along with others, to the fact that many people in Germany are doing well today ".

Ziemiak admits: "We are not doing all right, you have named legitimate criticism, we can do more with climate protection, with better technologies and good ideas." However, in finding solutions, it is important "that the Germans accept our way and do not become angry for the prizes and that the regulations on" yellow vest "become.The secretary general of the CDU also admits:" During the discussion on the filter of sending, we did not find the right note, we can do it better ".

After Rezo's YouTube video: Kramp-Karrenbauer conceded Shitstorm after a counterattack

Update of May 23 at 12:29 pm: The head of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has referred to the Bible the many reproaches of YouTubers Rezo: She wonders why the CDU is not held responsible for the seven wounds. However, this triggers a new shit storm – the party C president did not even know that there had been ten plagues.

Critics are hard on the spot to judge Kramp-Karrenbauers' biblical skills. If according to the second book of Moses in the Old Testament, Exodus, they are right. In this place of origin of the biblical plague, ten stories of plague that occur in Egypt are listed – from the transformation of water into blood to grbadhoppers to the murder of the firstborn.

"AKK" could also have referred to the Psalms of the Old Testament. There, the wounds transmitted from the Book of Exodus are summarized and reduced to seven.

Update of May 23 at 10:41 am: CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak recognizes his party's weakness in reaching young people online. "We need to be more present online and use the Internet even more to make complex issues more understandable," Ziemiak told the editorial network Deutschland. This quote is a reaction to the video critical of YouTube CDU, influencer Rezo, on which we have already clicked five million times. But first, Christian Democrats have problems because of "wrong" videos uploaded from YouTube on ARD and ZDF.

Ziemiak complains about the video as an excess of populism, insults and fake simplifications in social media. However, the Secretary General of the CDU acknowledges that he has not been able to comment enough on the reform of European ancillary copyright.

"The debate on copyright reform in the European Union has shown how much we often have a hard time reaching young people – it's very important to me, and it's That's what we need to learn, "said Ziemiak.

YouTuber Rezo supports CDU, SPD and AfD video

First notification of May 22: YouTuber Rezo, Klarname Max, brand: blue pony fringes, cäpi, hoodie. Job: computer scientist, musician. Favorite activity: music and comics. Except Saturday, he won the big shot. That is to say with a 55-minute video on the "destruction of the CDU" – which he also refers to as the CSU, the SPD and – "of course" – the AfD. It now has 3.2 million views and this number is increasing. Because on Twitter a debate broke out under the hashtag "FakeNews".

This hashtag cares about you. He was replaced by Matthias Hauer, politician of the CDU, endowed with a salty post that causes indignant storms.

Read also on *: Rezo provides "The destruction of the CDU" for the debate

Rezo: "A real video of destruction"

But from the beginning. Rezo promises "not a boring political video, but really a video of destruction" in which, however, he does not actively destroy anyone. "The facts and the facts speak simply for the destruction of the CDU, its reputation and its electoral results," he said, taking a breath. Then hell begins with several chapters: social gap and inequality of opportunity in Germany, climate policy, war, debate on the right of author.

What do we learn in the video? First, the "revelation": the climate catastrophe is real. "Until a few weeks ago, I thought it may not have been optimal," says Rezo. "But now, I have to say, it's really f *** violent!" These are the parties that work for the rich, burden the poor, corrupt, lie, do not impose climate goals, participate in wars, are incompetent and lies against the younger generation.

YouTuber Rezo: The Twitter hashtag "FakeNews" goes through the roof

Rezo comes partly from the chain of political interviews "Jung & Naiv" with a kind of best-of bankruptcies and political incidents. He has created only a gigantic job in which he only notes footnotes, evidence and sources, so that he is amazed. It's funny, just that documents now on Twitter are becoming a topic of controversy.

There, Matthias Hauer criticizes the fact that the "false news" presented today would have more reach than that of a journalism of quality carefully studied.

Presented with tears #FakeNews often have more #Reichweite as carefully studied # Quality journalism – This is no longer an exception. Everyone can decide for himself if he wants to participate. #CDU

– Matthias Hauer (@MatthiasHauer) May 20, 2019

As he blows in the fans of the Rezos video in the wrong tube. Where is on the subject, "destruction of the planet" several legitimate settings, asks a user:

So there are many legitimate attitudes towards the destruction of the planet ?!

– André (@LuudL) May 22, 2019

And another note on Twitter that "Fake News" in this case is not the right reaction:

Sorry, if that's what I have to say, but:

Is she and her colleagues with #FakeNews by reacting to them, but doing their work, objectively researching and refuting, they would now be winners and the CDU would be better off than before.

– Marvin Beckmann (@ R3m1n0X) May 21, 2019

After the video of Rezo: A politician of the CDU enters with FakeNews in the bowl

The proof that Hauer nachschiebt a few hours later does not make it better. Because the politician gets up straight into the fat bowl prepared by Rezo.

Because Rezo says at the end of his video: "That you respond to these protests not with substantive arguments, but with conspiracy theories and lies, says a lot about you."

Rezo video on the European elections: the video for the CDU is a big problem

The scope of the video is worrisome for the parties, especially for the CDU so close to the European elections. At the end of the recording, Rezo said, "You always say that young people should do more politics, so go ahead, when young people will find your political shit." And asks his audience about it. go and ask parents and grandparents NOT to vote for the appropriate parties.

CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak told the world that Rezo had used many pseudo-sources for video and invited young people to study the sources and facts.

Le journaliste de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Fridtjof Küchemann, trouve que la vidéo est douloureusement raccourcie, déformée et polémique à de nombreux égards, mais estime qu &#39;"en accord, en plus et en contradiction, cela apporterait des réponses aux processus démocratiques". Après tout, les salles de la jeunesse étaient maintenant ouvertes au dialogue politique.

Le oui Mais jusqu&#39;à présent, aucun homme politique ne lui a fait rapport, a déclaré Rezo dans un entretien avec le dpa, Le poste l&#39;aurait pris, lui et son personnel, pendant plusieurs centaines d&#39;heures. "J&#39;ai eu envie de travailler sur des sujets purement," explique-t-il, "éclairant et stimulant un discours." L&#39;informaticien titulaire d&#39;une maîtrise confirme également qu&#39;il a déjà reçu des menaces de mort.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, dirigeante de la CDU, cherche des réponses simples *: elle subordonne la manipulation de Youtube et élimine ainsi la loi fondamentale. Le commentaire du FR.


* et font partie de l&#39;Ippen-Digitlal-Zentralredaktion

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