Richard Grenell should have demanded duty-free treatment for American cars | TIME ONLINE


US Ambbadador Richard Grenell met Wednesday with leaders of major German auto companies to discuss a solution to the tariff dispute. He had at the meeting at the US Embbady a bilateral abrogation of all car functions involved, reported Handelsblatt citing participants.

Grenell reportedly said he had received instructions from Washington to find a solution to the trade dispute with Germany and the EU. At the meeting, according to Handelsblatt in addition to the bosses of Daimler, BMW and VW, Dieter Zetsche, Harald Kruger and Herbert Diess, also took part in bosses of major automotive suppliers.

The managers wanted to reaffirm to the confidant of US President Donald Trump that a growing trade dispute would not benefit anyone, the newspaper reported. This is a good sign, "that you can stay in the exchange" and that "not via Twitter" arrives. If the barriers fell on both sides, it would be positive, they said.

According to the report, there has already been a conversation between Grenell and the car executives on June 6, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Automobile Board of Directors. Industry Association. This time, the tour with the ambbadador was much smaller.

Up to now, the President of the United States has reported no agreement in the trade dispute with the EU. Following tariffs already applied on steel and aluminum, Donald Trump has threatened the EU with import duties on cars and auto parts by 20%. This would hit German manufacturers hard. They exported $ 20 billion worth of cars to the United States last year. In the case of new US car tariffs, the EU has again threatened to take countermeasures. These could touch US products worth $ 294 billion, warned the European Commission on Monday.

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