Rügen: Hooded robbed young football players on the campground


R and 20 masked men on Saturday attacked the members of a Saxon football team in a youth tent in the district Binzer Prora in Rügen. It is currently under investigation against members of a Rostock football team, who stayed there at night, as announced Saturday police

. Both teams participate in the football tournament "Fairplay Soccer Tour 2018". The young Saxons had a fight with the Rostockers on Friday night. The security forces separated the opponents at the campground in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen.

Saturday morning at 2:30 am, the police were informed that about twenty thugs had embarked on a group of five to six participants.

Rostocker ruled out of the tournament

Four young Saxon footballers were injured in the face. They are between 22 and 26 years old. One of the injured, aged 23, also suffered from bruising and had to be hospitalized.

Police searched the area, but so far, she has no concrete idea of ​​who the perpetrators are. During the investigation, a suspect appeared. Suspicion against other participants must be confirmed by further investigation, as it was called.

The organizer has ruled out the Rostock, who are suspected of attacking the young Saxons, from the tournament. They also had to leave the campground.

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