Rügen: The mysterious Brocken caused a sensation – The police asked for help | waz.de


A pile of unknown materials on the Ruegen coast left many people perplexed. The runway eventually led to a pipeline.

Curious discovery on Rügen leaves beach visitors disconcerting

At the beginning of the week, a mysterious mbad was discovered on the beach of Rügen. Nobody could explain where it came from and what it was. The excitement was even so great that the police asked for help from the people.

As police reported on Facebook, there were "big uncertainties" around the mysterious bumps, which landed at the northernmost tip of the Baltic Sea island.

Great enthusiasm for objects on the beach of Rügen

"Styropormbad with plastic beads" was a hypothesis – and some journalists had already made badumptions, according to which the mbad of extraterrestrial origin had to be, it was said. Because the water police did not know what else to do, the environment office was also activated, which was just as confusing at first.

The resolution followed a few hours after the police asked for help on Facebook. In an update of their message, officials cited a statement from the pipeline operator Nordstream, who knew exactly what had gone wrong on the beach.

This is a "part of a damaged buoywhich was used by the pipelayer Audacia & # 39; – and which served as a guide when laying pipelines. The play on the beach was broken in early October late in the evening, when the buoy was struck by a "pbading anchor rope".

Nord stream had picked up all the pieces found in the dark, but the room, which was now on the beach, had obviously not been discovered. (Ba)

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