Rupert Grint: He is proud of the "Harry Potter" movies


Seven years have pbaded since the last movie "Harry Potter". But for millions of fans around the world, Rupert Grint (30) will forever be Harry Potter's best friend, Ron Weasley. The actor has participated in many projects in recent years. As a chaotic Kleinganove Charlie, he celebrated his success with the crime series "Snatch". As of November 27, the AXN pay-TV channel is broadcast every Tuesday from 8:15 pm in double episode the second season. And it starts where the first season is over.

After his big blow, the gang of gangsters was found fleeing on the Spanish Costa del Sol. But what looks like a beach vacation is quickly becoming a new battle for his fortune and his life. In an interview with the news agency, Grint reveals what fans can expect in the ten new episodes, what scenes have cost him special relief and of course, how it is today for the fans. movies of "Harry Potter".

Mr. Grint, what's happening in the second season "Snatch"?

Rupert Grint: There are a lot of new problems, but also a lot of new characters. The whole series looks like a brand new show. Plus, the location on the Costa del Sol is cool. Spain has a long criminal history, you can literally feel it in the air. In real life, many burglars are hiding there. This makes it the perfect place for Snatch. And I even have a fake tan.

Chloe, played by Stephanie Leonidas, seems to be lacking in the second season. What happened? Will she come back?

Grint: It's a little ambiguous. The first episode is exactly where the first season ended. We are all on the run with the boat and the ten million euros. We stopped somewhere on the way to London in Spain. There, Chloe left Charlie after taking his share of the money and boarding. This Charlie has in the second season the first to fight with the evil of love and is very disappointed. But who knows …

What was the biggest challenge for you in the second season?

Grint: There were difficult times. I've always had a problem with stunts and all the physical challenges. And this time, dancing was hard enough for me.

What did you like most about Charlie Cavendish – with the exception of his cool style?

Grint: I love Charlie. It contrasts so much with the other characters. He feels that he does not belong to this world, he is not a real gangster. He is still desperately trying to prove himself and earn his place in the team. But he does not always succeed. In the second season, he wants to take more responsibility. As a result, he meets often with Albert. But Charlie has his brightest moments.

What would you do if your best friend asked you for help in a criminal case?

Grint: I do not think I can do it. I'm not really done for that. It's exciting to imagine such situations on the set. Pretend that it's great, but the reality is something completely different.

They were very young when they became famous with "Harry Potter". Many stars can not handle celebrity early, have drug and alcohol problems. They seem to be doing well since the beginning of their career 17 years ago. How do you stay so down to earth?

Grint: I do not know. It's a bit mysterious. I think I have a big family and good friends. Also, we were always treated well during our stay at "Harry Potter". We were in this strange bubble all year, we could not do anything crazy. If you work in the film industry, people automatically expect you to do something outrageous. But I think that in the UK it's different anyway, Hollywood would be a different story. We filmed "Harry Potter" in Watford, a small town in North London. I think that made a huge difference.

There are many actors who can not see themselves on the screen. How is it going with you, watching your own movies and series?

Grint: No, I will not do that. It is always very difficult to detach oneself from the screen. If you see yourself, you will not be able to enjoy the story anymore.

Have you seen the "Harry Potter" movies yet?

Grint: I think I only saw them once. But funny enough, I did not watch the first movie a few weeks ago because it turned out to be on TV. In fact, for the first time in more than ten years, I saw it again and really enjoyed it. I was then a child and so it's easy to immerse myself in history. There was a certain nostalgia and I could remember it. We had a good time, it was a very exciting time in life. I was such a little boy, someone very different from the one I am now. It was a very entertaining but fun night.

They do not use social media. How come you do not have an Instagram account and you dissociate completely?

Grint: That never really happened to me. I've always liked being out of reach. I've always considered my privacy as something very important. Just because you're always reachable through social media, everyone knows what you're doing at any given time. I am rather the opposite and enjoy my rest.

No matter what you do in your life, we always remember "Harry Potter" and Ronald Weasley. How do you think about it?

Grint: It's good, I'm very happy with it. I am very proud to be part of these films. Ron has always been a very special character for me. When I was a kid, I was already a big fan of books and I had a strong connection with Ron's character. I will not sit here today to tell you if these films did not exist. I owe them a lot.

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