Salisbury: Poisoned couple in England – Substance was still Nowitschok


The couple, who is suffering from a deadly disease in southern England, has been poisoned by the Novitschok weapon. Scotland Yard announced it in London on Wednesday night. Counter Terrorism Detected

The two victims are a 45-year-old man and a 44-year-old woman. Both are British citizens. Police spoke at noon of a "major incident".

The couple reportedly attended a family event in a church before being discovered unconscious at home on Saturday night. It was first said that the man and woman had been treated for "an alleged contact with an unknown substance" at Salisbury Hospital. The couple is now in mortal danger.

The evening now the certainty: The two were exposed to the severe nerve poison Nowitschok, a military weapon

The scenario recalls the poisonous attack of former dual agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julija March. The new incident took place near the town of Salisbury, where Skripal and his daughter had been poisoned

. According to the British Anti-Terror Agency, there is no evidence in the new case that the two critically ill victims are targeted. been taken.

"A question we are pursuing"

"We are unable to tell if the nerve agent comes from the same batch to which the scripts were exposed," said the head of the British counterterrorism agency Neil Basu. "The possibility that these two cases can be connected is clearly an issue we must pursue."

The new case occurred at Amesbury, which is located 11 kilometers north of Salisbury, where the scripts are located on 4. Had been found unconscious on a bench in March

The Nowitschok neurotoxin had was developed in the 1970s and 1980s in the Soviet Union. Britain has blamed the Russian government for attacking Skripal, which they have always rejected. Western states and Russia have mutilated many diplomats because of the crisis.

Police have now preemptively cordoned off at least five separate areas, including a park and property in Salisbury, as well as a pharmacy and community center of the Amesbury Baptist Church. According to the spokesman of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, the government crisis team met to discuss the new incident

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