Salisbury: Police: A couple in the south of England poisoned by Nowitschok – World


Four months after poisoning on the Skripals, a man and a woman are still in danger of dying. Scotland Yard said Wednesday night: The pair was poisoned by Novitschok

Terrorist officials have investigated the case with the Wiltshire police, police said Wednesday. A spokesman added that since the substance was unknown, cooperation with counter-terrorism was a "work-related" measure.

Previously, two people had been hospitalized after being exposed to an "unknown substance". Both were in mortal danger. The man and the woman were found in Amesbury. The village is located a few kilometers from where the former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal and his daughter were victims of a poisonous attack in March

Southwest county police from Wiltshire spoke of a "major incident". Some areas of Salisbury and the town of Amesbury, about 13 kilometers further north, were therefore closed as a precautionary measure.

Is this a crime?

It is not known if the victims were victims of a crime. According to police, the two concerned, aged about 40, were found unconscious in a residential building in Amesbury on Saturday night, police said. Officials initially badumed that both could have taken contaminated heroin or crack. However, we are still studying what substance was involved. The police cordoned off the areas that the two had previously held.

In March, parts of the Salisbury center were sealed after former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were poisoned with the Novitschok agent. The case made headlines around the world and sparked a diplomatic exchange between London and Moscow. (dpa / afp)

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