Sami A .: Tug of war on the alleged ex-guard of Osama bin Laden's body


Sami A. was deported to his homeland, Tunisia, on Friday, while the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court had just banned that. The case of the former suspected Qaeda bodyguard killed, 42-year-old Osama bin Laden, is likely to occupy the German authorities even longer. Read the questions and answers about the case here

Who is Sami A.? [196659004] Sami A. comes from Tunisia. He came to Germany in 1997 to study textile technology, then computer engineering and finally electrical engineering. He lived first in Cologne, then moved to Bochum

The documents of the German investigators indicate that A. would have been in the Afghan-Pakistani border area from December 1999 to June 2000. There, he would have undergone a paramilitary training of 45 days and reportedly joined the bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden.

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Osama Bin Laden:
A Life to Kill

According to an eyewitness, the Tunisian also met Ramzi Binalshibh during this period, which is considered one of the supporters of the attacks of September 11 . Subsequently, Sami A. was reportedly active in Germany as a Salafist preacher.

The Tunisian has always denied these accusations. Authorities clbadify it as a so-called threat. The case has received the attention of all over Germany again and again, as A. receives for years with his family the monthly support under the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz. By 2002, the amount had risen to almost 20,000 euros

Since when does A. use German justice?

  • The federal prosecutor opened a preliminary inquiry against A. in 19459005 March 2006 to avoid the initial suspicion of belonging to a foreign terrorist group.
  • The proceedings had to be discontinued 2007 "because the investigation could not support the suspicion with sufficient security required for an indictment."
  • Also threatened in March 2006 him the Bochum immigration office with deportation – to no avail. The reason: in the meantime, the woman, who married A. 2005, has naturalized, so that he has since enjoyed additional protection against deportation as a "migrant". husband of a German and father of four children. Finally, in Bochum, when he met his daily notebook in a police station. In a ruling, the Bamf had revoked a previously recognized expulsion obstacle, he said at that time.

How did deportation unfold – and what is the problem?

  • A. was transported Friday morning in the company of the Federal Police with a postage meter from Düsseldorf from his house.
  • On Thursday, however, the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court had decided that he should not be deported for the moment. This was justified by the court that there is no certainty that A. Will not be tortured in Tunisia.
  • The court informed the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) of its decision only when Sami A. was already in the plane,
  • The fact that this decision The late arrival of the Bamf was due to the fact that, despite repeated requests, the authorities concerned had not announced the date of the planned expulsion, the Administrative Court said.
  • Friday, the administrative court had also announced that they had sent a fax with the decision of Thursday night at 8:27, Friday morning, at Bamf. It arrived one hour and 27 minutes after the departure of the plane at 7 am

What role did the Federal Minister for the Interior Horst Seehofer play?

"My goal is to obtain deportation, even in this case": This sentence, based on Sami A. said the Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) in early May. He was "determined to stay there".

The Federal Ministry of Interior declared that he had helped the authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia during the deportation. Seehofer was informed "after the completion of the repatriation, that is to say with transfer to the Tunisian authorities," said a spokeswoman. The Bamf is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

What do human rights organizations say?

The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, described A.'s recall on Deutschlandfunk as appropriate by the Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen. The verdict reflects the quality of the rule of law, said UNHCR spokesman Chris Melzer.

At first glance, the case is "not so understandable," admitted Melzer. "We really want to say who should be expelled, if not one." But on closer examination, "you simply realize that it really speaks about the quality of the whole asylum system", if all the questions were asked about the criteria of the law and also have answered.

How does politics react?

  • The chairman of the Anis Amri inquiry committee of the Bundestag, Armin Schuster (CDU), pleaded not to bring A. back to Germany for the moment. First, the next instance should decide, he told the "Central German newspaper". "I do not have any sleepless nights here, after all, it's a stranger with a training in Al Qaeda that has to leave."
  • The comings and goings of A. causes from the point of view of vice SPD Ralf Stegner considerable political damage. The menacing threatened the country, but dealing with them, "the law and justice, including the independence of the judiciary," he said. "This distinguishes Germany from unjust states, unfortunately, in this case it is obvious that this principle has not been taken into account".
  • The AfD sees the decision of the Gelsenkirchen court as evidence of the system's failure. The proceedings revealed an "error in our system," writes the head of the AfD Jörg Meuthen on Facebook.

What does Sami A.'s lawyer say? [196659024] A.'s lawyer sees no reason to return to Germany. Upon his release in Tunisia, the embbady of Germany must issue him a visa to return to Germany, said lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz.

The court made it clear in its decision that issuing a visa to return to Germany is a viable option, Basay-Yildiz said. A. could then make representations to the immigration office. "In my opinion, there is no case against my client, as soon as it will be free again in Tunisia, it must happen."

Is Sa
now returning to Germany?

The Refugee Ministry of NRW wants to lodge a complaint against the decision of the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. This will be done with the foreign authority of the city of Bochum, said the State Ministry Friday night in Dusseldorf.

The Tunisian judiciary does not want to send back a first time to the Federal Republic. "We have a sovereign justice that investigates him," said the spokesman of the Tunisian counterterrorism agency. This survey should be expected.

The Tunisian authorities know since January that A. may have been involved in "terrorist activities" in Germany and Afghanistan, the spokesman said.

The man was taken away immediately after arriving in Tunisia in police custody. Since then, he has been questioned. Therefore, the Tunisian judicial system is currently responsible

Is the Arm wrestling on Sami A. an isolated case?

In 2017, a refugee was deported to Afghanistan, although his case is still being heard in court. By order of the Administrative Court of Sigmaringen, he had to be found in December 2017. The young man had worked as a soldier with US forces in Afghanistan and was therefore threatened by the Taliban. He is now allowed to stay in Germany as a recognized refugee.

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