Saturn: After a difficult year: drastic measures at Elektro-Riese


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The giant of electricity Saturn can take advantage of a difficult year. To revive business, the electricity giant is now resorting to drastic measures.

Ingolstadt – After a difficult year in which power giant MediaMarktSaturn had to lower its profit forecasts twice, new innovations are emerging, as the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group has announced in a press release. Now Florian Gietl of Austria (42) will become CEO of the Group. His predecessor, Ditmar Krusenbaum, is retiring. Gietl brings drastic changes to society.

Ferran Reverter, managing director of MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, describes 2018 as a "difficult financial year": "Our strategic initiatives, such as online services and services, have not been implemented sufficiently quickly and efficiently. While progress has been made, we need to increase speed, focus and efficiency. "

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Almost all managers exchanged

Gietl is the "most coherent solution" for this, it represents transformation, digitization and implementation. The transformation is already visible, reports the new director exchanges almost all the executives in the important fields – and that at a surprising speed. Already touched by the head of Germany, also general manager of procurement, supply chain, online and marketing. In addition to speed, the procedure is not unusual: "After all, every boss wants to integrate his vision into the company," said an industry observer. What the change in management level for the electricity company's business will change, will show.

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