Schools: AfD takes the chair of the Education Committee – Bavaria


  • AfD politician Markus Bayerbach was elected chairman of the education committee.
  • The election is extremely tight, he receives eight positive votes and seven negative votes.
  • Previously, teachers 'and parents' badociations had been alarmed. The AfD wants, among other things, to abolish Islamic education and projects "against the right".

of Anna Gunther. Lisa Quick and Wolfgang Wittl

The closer the elections are, the more nervous Markus Bayerbach is. 20 minutes before the first meeting of the education committee in parliament, deputies of AFS Augsburg remain relaxed: "I am not nervous, if the others miss me, shows rather the lack of sovereignty. "

Shortly before the start of the session, the mentor walks the hall for several minutes. Until the end, it is unclear whether the CSU, free voters, the FDP, the Greens and SPD Bayerbach will vote for the chair of the education committee. As a result, Hall 2 is full on Wednesday. In the audience sit Martin Runge, who has just been elected first chairman of the Defense Committee of the Interior of Parliament, as well as the two faction leaders of the AFD.

An AfD candidate fails in the election of the Landtagspräsidiums

The new Bavarian parliament meets for the first time and already shows how it could unfold: the AfD feels at a disadvantage, the rest holds good.

By Roman Deininger, Lisa Schnell and Wolfgang Wittl

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AFD has a committee chairman because of the parliamentary majority, but since joining the Education Committee, teachers 'and parents' badociations have sparked a lot of enthusiasm. They criticize AfD's request to abolish Islamic education and "against the right" projects, as well as online portals run by the AfD, where teachers can be denounced , which should have been negative with regard to the AfD. The Bavarian Teachers Association is covered. Bayerbach is a teacher who is a member of BLLV. He does not want to understand the excitement: "I did not notice bad things."

Against the customs of the parliament is voted by secret ballot. Very close, Bayerbach is elected with eight positive votes and seven negative votes. Three members abstained.

For a long time, political groups discussed how to behave. For CSU, free voters and the FDP outweigh the view that AFD, as a democratically elected party, is now entitled to a post. The SPD faction agreed to vote against all AFD candidates because they did not distance themselves enough from the right wing of the party.

An intermediate route chose the Greens. They subordinated their approval to a questionnaire they sent Tuesday to the two candidates of the AfD. Having received no response, they refused their consent. He did not receive the letter, says Bayerbach. Unlike him, Eva Gottstein (FW), deputy MP, has only one vote against and a lot of applause. There is silence in Bayerbach. Only Munich MP AfD, Uli Henkel, hits him and whispers: "My hero!" Katrin Ebner-Steiner, leader of the faction, notes the result and shakes his head with satisfaction.

Bayerbach encourages cooperation in his first speech, calling education "a topic to come". "We can dismiss the content, but we must always work together constructively in the interest of parents, children and teachers," he said. Gerhard Waschler, CSU spokesperson on education policy, emphasizes instead the balance of power after the meeting: "The determining force of education policy remains the UHC. and free voters ". They make up ten of the 18 members of the committee.

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