Science: Bad tool caused false start of Soyuz rocket


It was not a design flaw that caused the Soyuz rocket to crash three weeks ago. But also the statement that was messed up at their badembly, does not necessarily calm down.

The false start of a Russian Soyuz launcher on October 11 was triggered by a lack of seating during the final badembly. The Roscosmos Space Agency and its leader, Dmitry Rogozin, declared in Moscow.

In the accident, two minutes after the start of Baikonur in Kazakhstan, astronauts Sergej Ovtschinin and Nick Hague were able to escape unharmed. The failure creates confusion in the schedules of the ISS International Space Station, which also affects the German astronaut Alexander Gerst. The next inhabited departure of Roskosmos began on December 3rd.

For Rogozin, errors in mounting the Soyuz-FG rocket in the Baikonur space triggered the disaster. The workers "did not use the tools prescribed when installing a side tank during the first stage of the rocket," he said during an interview with the state news agency Tbad. Details that he did not name. Therefore, but a sensor has been damaged, which otherwise regulates the separation of the first of the second-stage rocket.

"That means it's not a design flaw," Rogosin said. The handling of the rocket was incorrect. "It has been proven that this happened because of this sensor, and this can only have happened when mounting the rocket at Baikonur," confirmed Nikolai Sevastyanov, general director of the Institute of Rocket Science , at a press conference at the Russian flight control center near Moscow. On two Soyuz rockets already mounted, we now check if the same error occurred.

The workers involved threaten the information according to the penal consequences. All editors must again take their exams. "Of course, this damages our reputation," said Alexander Lopatin, vice president of Roscosmos.

Soyuz rockets are also considered the spearhead of travel in Russian space. A similar false start, but there was one in 2013 with a Proton-M type rocket. At that time, a sensor had been mounted in the wrong direction. Because the fortifications did not fit, the mechanics had helped with some pressure.

Work on the ISS is continuing despite the accident, Roskosmos officials said. However, the schedule of field work and other work has been delayed. So, there is no date for the return of Gerst. He is currently the first German to command the station and is expected to land again in mid-December.

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