Scotland Yard: Container found with Nowitschok in Amesbury



Scotland Yard Container with Nowitschok found in Amesbury

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British police find container with Nowitschok

British police found in Amesbury the container through which two British came into contact with the Novichok neurotoxin. During searches of the house of one of the victims, the small bottle was found.

British police discovered the alleged source of nowitschok poisoning from a couple in Amesbury

  • Scotland Yard said it was a small bottle found in the house of the man
  • . A one year old man continues to be treated at the hospital, his partner died.

D British police found the container through which a man and a woman came into contact with the Novitschok neurotoxin. The woman had died Sunday night as a result of the poisoning. Scotland Yard said Friday that it was a small bottle found at the Amesbury man's house. Tests have shown that the contents of the bottle was the Nowitschok neurotoxin. According to the police, it is now to be determined whether the poison comes from the same source as the substance used by the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in the

London accused Moscow of having been the brain of the attack against the Skripals. Nowitschok was developed in the former Soviet Union, later he was also experienced in other countries. The Kremlin denies any allegation. The case triggered a serious diplomatic crisis. More than two dozen countries have expelled Russian diplomats. Russia has also responded with evictions.

The 44-year-old woman from Salisbury died in a hospital on Sunday night. At the clinic, she had spent a week with her 45-year-old partner, who is now receptive and could be questioned by the police.

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