Scott Pruit: Chief of the EPO fired – In Trump's government, he drove the hottest



Scott Pruit Chief of the EPO – In the Trump Government, he led the most chic

  Scott Pruitt's career at the head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ended after a series of scandals. He has previously served as Minister of Justice   The career of Scott Pruitt at the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA ended after a series of scandals. He was already Minister of Justice

Scott Pruitt's career at the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA ended after a series of scandals. He has already been Minister of Justice

Source: AFP / Archive

The head of the Environment Agency must pursue a series of endless scandals. Scott Pruitt was Trump's proxy agent and the blatant example of conflict of interest and corruption within the US government.

D The Trump administration was formerly intended to extinguish the "Washington Swamp". But more and more government members must now resign for ethical reasons. So now, the head of the EPA Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt. In his resignation letter, Pruitt says that "endless attacks on me and my family were unprecedented and left their mark on us all."

This is a sinuous way of describing what has actually happened: Even Pruitt for Trump was no longer sustainable. The series of scandals and scandals on unauthorized high spending, on conflict of interest and the mixture of private interests and government actions, just did not want to break. Almost every week, there were new revelations about Pruitt, which has always been reporting on new media.

The overflowing fall was a revelation by Trump's close badociates to members of Congress a few days ago that had brought new perspectives to the light. For example, Pruitt used paid taxpayer employees to get a well-paid job in Washington for his wife. Previously, it was already known that Pruitt had used the resources of the department to obtain for his wife the grant of a chick-fil-A chicken-tanner branch.

Worthily thrown by the world

More than a dozen investigations on the administration of Pruit were finally pending against the head of the EPO. The allegations were varied. There was the suspicion of the benefit hypothesis or at least one conflict of interest, because he had agreed in Washington dear an offer to live for only $ 50 a night for several month in the house of the wife of an energy lobbyist.

Then there was his problematic management of public funds. He had installed a secure payphone at the Ministry for $ 43,000, without obtaining congressional approval. His safety trip was three times longer than that of his predecessor. Pruitt traveled for a lot of money in private planes, in military machines or in business clbad and liked to stay in luxury inns.

He gained lucrative positions in the ministry to close political employees who were much more expensive than usual. Pruitt 's also met secretly with representatives of the industry, bypbading transparency guidelines. And he used government officials to do private business.

See also

  Donald Trump

opinion Danger for the World

The Trump Government is a changing conflict of interests, especially in the person of the President himself and his relatives family members with positions in the world. Government like Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. And many of his billionaire ministers continue to make headlines, because their broad business interests clash with their public service.

As much as Scott Pruitt, mixing private and public concerns, but he has not yet been a member of the Trump government. However, unlike previous cases of ethical violations committed by members of the government, Trump has long been held at Pruitt because he liked it and that he was working within the company. agency for the environment. The essential was to undo as many regulations as possible since Barack Obama and to free the economy, and especially the energy industry, from environmental hurdles. Although the resignation of Trump Pruitt announced as usual via Twitter, it was full of praise for Pruitt, who had obediently dismissed the environmental authority on behalf of Trump.

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Trump has long held a protective hand over Pruitt, who also continued to speak as a possible new Minister of Justice. At one point, Pruitt's many scandals, but also Trump's most loyal fans in the media, were no longer referees. For example, Laura Ingraham, star of conservative radio talk shows and Fox commentator, had broken up with Pruitt for days. "Pruitt is the swamp." Let it dry, she had asked.

Pruitt is a blatant example of Trump administration corruption. And the more Trump government members resign for ethical reasons, the more Donald Trump has just replaced one swamp with another.

With regard to the Environmental Protection Agency, the departure of Pruitt should not change much in the new environmental line of the house. made the vice president of Pruitts Andrew Wheeler transition chief.He was previously lobbyist for the coal industry.

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