Security Circles: Interior Ministry apparently prepares dismissal of Maaßens



safety circuits Ministry of the Interior is apparently preparing to dismiss Mabadens

| Reading time: 2 minutes

The reason for the planned release is the contents of a manuscript of Maaß's farewell speech The reason for the planned release is the contents of a manuscript of Maaß's farewell speech

The reason for the planned release is the contents of a manuscript of Maaß's farewell speech

Source: dpa / Federico Gambarini

It was expected that the head of the Constitution Protection Department, Mabaden, would be badigned to the Ministry of the Interior as a special representative. Now, the Interior Ministry is apparently preparing the dismissal of Maaßens. The reason is a mbadive criticism of some parts of the coalition.

VAccording to information provided by the German press agency, Inspector General Hans-Georg Maaßen would not be transferred as planned to the Ministry of the Interior as a special representative.

The Ministry of the Interior is preparing to be removed from office, as Mabaden said in the manuscript of his farewell speech, mbadively criticizing some parts of the coalition and defending his controversial about the "hunt" during a demonstration in Chemnitz.

Maaßen, who had also defended his statements at special sessions of the Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence Control and the Bundestag's Internal Affairs Committee, should in fact be special advisor to the Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), for European and international tasks – with the same salary as before, in the rank of a department head. This transfer will not exist anymore.

The dispute over Mabaden and his statements sparked a new coalition crisis in September, which almost led to its collapse. The replacement of Mabadens following controversial statements at the head of the secret service and its promotion initially planned for a Secretary of State with a salary of more than 14,000 euros per month had caused great indignation.

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Horst Seehofer - Hans-Georg Mabaden

On September 18, Andrea Nahles, leader of the SPD, dismissed this idea at a meeting with Merkel and CSU President Horst Seehofer, before undergoing tremendous pressure. Then she admitted a wrong way and asked Merkel and Seehofer for a letter for another ploy. After that, the Chancellor apologized for the internal conflict in the coalition between the citizens.

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