Seehofer calls the suicide of Afghans deported deeply regrettable | TIME ONLINE


An Afghan asylum seeker deported from Germany a week ago has abducted life after his return. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), he was found in a shelter of the organization in Kabul . There, the organization provides housing for returning refugees who do not know where to stay. The man from Balkh Province, in northern Afghanistan, was 23 years old and had been living in Germany for eight years.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has confirmed that
Information from local authorities indicated suicide. L & # 39; man
was in Germany legally for theft and
A personal injury was found guilty.

Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) said in the evening about the death of the man: "It is deeply regrettable, and we should manage it objectively and carefully, "he said. of a meeting of EU Ministers of the Interior in Innsbruck. The federal government was not responsible for the eviction theft during the selection of refugees. "The refugee was reported to us by the Hanseatic city of Hamburg," said Seehofer. He does not want to shirk responsibility. But federal states would select refugees. The Hamburg authorities have to say why this man was chosen

With the recent expulsion theft from Germany, the federal government and the Länder with 69 pbadengers had expelled exceptionally many applicants from Germany. Asylum rejected. Bavaria alone had made 51 people. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) had expressed satisfaction the day before the unusually high number of deportees : "Only 69 years – 69 people did not order – people have been sent back to Afghanistan. It's way beyond what was. "

He had learned of suicide only Wednesday morning, said Seehofer. At the time of his controversial statements about the deportation theft, he was not aware of it. He accused his detractors of deliberately abusing statements made about his birthday.

In the afternoon, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has already expressed regret over the death of the deportee. The Twitter shared the ministry
with, it was "a deeply regrettable incident". You are close
Contact the Afghan authorities for more details
identify. Even with the city of Hamburg has been contacted,
who was responsible for the repatriation.

"Cynical", "morally overwhelmed", "obviously wrong in the office"

During the day, because of Seehofer's original statement, there had been criticisms of the opposition – and also of the SPD. Party Vice Thorsten
Schäfer-Gümbel tweeted, banning cynicism
he himself would have proved once again the last hours. Vice-President of the Bundestag Thomas Oppermann (SPD) described the deportations in the world as serious : "You're not kidding". Kevin Kühnert, CEO of Juso wrote on Twitter ,
Seehofer was a "cynical miserable and not characteristic
grown up. "His resignation was late.

Opposition parties demand the resignation of Seehofer. The Chairman of the Human Rights Committee in the Bundestag, Gyde Jensen
(FDP) declared Tagesspiegel that Seehofer was due
his cynical statements "obviously wrong in the office".

Asylum politics – Seehofer jokes about deportations to his birthday
At his 69th birthday, 69 people were deported to Afghanistan, said Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. Leftists and Greens Criticize Seehofer's Comments

© Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

The parliamentary director of the Bundestag Left, Jan Korte, said it was high time that Seehofer left. "For profiling reasons, anyone expelling young people who have spent much of their lives in the Federal Republic from the dangers of a war and crisis zone and despair bears a great deal of responsibility if they Do not reach the age of 69 years. "

Green House Leader Anton Hofreiter declared to the German Publishing Network that Seehofer was "clearly (…) morally overtaxed in his office and simply unfit to exercise his duties responsibly ". His party friend and vice-president of the Bundestag Claudia Roth
called on the federal government to send deportations to Afghanistan
suspend. Seehofer must see: "The language and
the political brutalization that he and his CSU are pushing daily,
must have an end. "

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