Selena Gomez: 1st sign of life!


Selena Gomez, 26, is back! The musician was admitted to a clinic in October due to a nervous breakdown. She would have left the clinic a few weeks ago. Since then, every trace of salt has gone – until now!

Selena Gomez was gone

Selena Gomez collapsed in early October. After her collapse, she was admitted to a clinic where she was treated – the exact reasons for her break-up are unknown. Rumor has it that both his kidney transplant last year, but also the engagement and the hasty marriage of his ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber is responsible for his condition be.

After leaving the hospital, however, the 26-year-old woman disappeared, submerged. From the performer "Wolves" there was no trace! Now the musician has finally spoken for the first time in weeks.

Selena Gomez. Stronger than ever!

She is fine! Had on this message Beauty fans were waiting impatiently. In a short advertising clip of the brand puma the singer is more fit and stronger than ever. The brand ambbadador brings his own sports collection to the market. In the network, the advertising clip already provides a lot of conversation. Salt is described in the clip with the words "Strong" and "Risk taker",

Justin's ex works despite or because of the long break relaxed and happy. The fans and the singer's friends can finally breathe easily.

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