Self-criticism: Söder: will not use the term "asylum tourism" | new


Following the fierce conflict over refugee policy, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) expressed his self-criticism tonight in parliament and promised: "I will no longer use the word" asylum-seekers " "If I have the impression that he's hurting someone." This decision was independent of his personal note, but the most important was that verbal debates should not prevent problems significant.

The choice of Söder words had been much discussed in recent days. Söder had used the term in the UHC asylum dispute with the CDU to point out that there are asylum seekers who go to asylum proceedings in Germany only to economic reasons.

On Sunday, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned against Söder's badertion that government parties should also "pay attention to language".

The criticism of the friend of the party Müller

Critics have also come from friends of the party: the Minister of Development Gerd Müller (CSU) called the term "asylum tourism" "Very unhappy words". In the choice of words and language, politicians must "tear the belt".

The SPD leader, Andrea Nahles, accuses Söder of inciting resentment against refugees when he uses terms such as "asylum tourism". This is the language of the AfD. The SPD of the Bavarian parliament had threatened Söder because of the choice of words, even by filing a complaint in the Bavarian Constitutional Court, if the national government did not submit a concept definition requested in parliament by 15 July.

Lindner: "Gossensprache"

FDP leader Christian Lindner accused Söder of complicity in the brutalization of the political debate in Germany. "Words such as" asylum tourism "come from the repertoire of political spells," Lindner said.

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