Severe weather: At least 20 deaths in heavy storms in Japan


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  Road taken to Hiroshima Prefecture   Road taken to Hiroshima Prefecture

Road taken to Hiroshima Prefecture


Government orders mbadive evacuations

B Floods and landslides after heavy storms in Japan killed at least 20 people. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday that he was "extremely serious" and ordered his government to do everything to save the victims. According to the civil protection authorities, the authorities have ordered the evacuation of 1.9 million people, according to the NHK television channel, even 3.2 million people should be safe.

While local authorities speak of 20 deaths, NHK reports 46 dead, 48 others missing. Landslides and flash floods have occurred, among others, in the regions of Hiroshima, Ehime, Okayama and Kyoto. People took refuge on the roofs, bridges were washed away by the torrential rivers, the streets carried away. Entire residential areas measured meters under water.

Flooded residents asked for help through Twitter messages. "The water has reached half of the first floor," wrote a Kurashiki woman from Okayama province in the text message service. "Children can not get on the roof, the temperature of my body goes down, save us quickly Help us!"

According to government figures, about 48,000 soldiers, police and firefighters were on duty. 21,000 soldiers were in a state of alert. He asked the army to use all available resources for the rescue, said Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera.

The Meteorological Service issued a high-level storm warning to the west of the country. Meteorologists predicted heavy rain throughout the weekend.

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