Sexual harassment at the club: Schalke stands out – sport


founded Date:

Number of members:
More than 22,000

Short description:
Title, tears and triumphs: 1. FC Nuremberg has a moving story that goes back more than 118 years. The club celebrated its greatest success in the "golden" 20, when five of the nine championships were won alone. Until the 1960s, the club was one of the big names in German football.

But with the first descent of the upper house in 1969, it began to be low for decades. Setbacks and scandals have marked the club, which forged the reputation of a team of elevators at that time and crashed in 1996 even in the third-order regional league .

It was only at the dawn of the new millennium that the club consolidated and drew with the victory at the DFB Cup 2007 in the old. In the elevator, however, the FCN is stuck to this day. 2007/2008 and 2013/2014 – two changes of coaches, a first round without a win and seven consecutive defeats included – the sacked club of the 1st Bundesliga is therefore the only record relegated to Germany. Since its resurgence in 2017/18, the FCN is also the only newcomer to the house of the House of Lords of football.

Champion of Germany: 1920, 1921, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1936, 1948, 1961, 1968

DFB winner of the Cup: 1935, 1939, 1962, 2007

You will find an additional topic archive containing "historical" reports on the 1. FCN under the keyword "Club-history (n)",

The team of the season 2018/19

The team of the gallery 1. FC Nuremberg 2015/16

From the editorial blog

The club, my club! What would it be without his fans who, despite all the nonsense and embarrbadment, despite multiple disabilities and exuberant loyalty sometimes barely explainable to him.

Click here for the blog


Franks Wiki:

Thematic Archives 1. FC Nuremberg

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