Shannon waterfall: Youtuber Ryker Gamble and Alexey Lyakh die trying to save their girlfriend


British Columbia –

Three people lost their lives in a tragic accident in Canada, including two famous Youtube Youtubes.

Both lifestyles were looking to save a friend from a waterfall. But all three fell 30 meters and died. Youtuber's friends and fans are shocked.

On YouTube and Instagram, Ryker Gamble and Alexey Lyakh led a life envied by many people: as members of the band High On Life, they toured the world as they did Tourist Organizations and sponsored hotels. They shared their experiences on Youtube and Instagram, on the latter the account "High On Life" has 1.1 million followers

Shannon Falls is doomed to the adventure of bloggers

Tuesday however, life Dreamy of the two has taken over a sad end, reports among others the "Focus". Together with Lyakh's girlfriend, Megan Scraper, the two bloggers went to Shannon Falls, in the province of British Columbia, near Vancouver. The waterfalls are easy to reach for tourists, but the terrain is considered dangerous especially in higher areas.

  Shannon Falls

Shannon Falls

In a natural pool above the waterfall, the three wanted to swim But it came to disaster: after the presentation of the "Vancouver Sun", Scraper probably lost footing and crashed 30 meters into the depths. Gamble and Lyakh immediately jumped into the waterfall to save their friend. The police could only recover the bodies of the three friends from a lower basin

The authorities keep secret the names of the three dead.

Gambles and Lyakh's "High On Life" Group have the death of their three friends

Friends of bloggers have been stunned by social media about the misfortune.

"There is one thing I learned from these beautiful people, while nothing is taken for granted and that," wrote photographer Zachary Moxley on Facebook [19659013] (in red)

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