Share of Microsoft increases to a record level – SPIEGEL ONLINE


Shares of the Microsoft software company reached a record high on Friday. With a price of $ 108.20, the company's shares have marked the highest level in its 32-year history. The market capitalization of heavyweight now stands at about $ 823 billion.

The software giant has benefited in the last quarter, especially, from a thriving cloud computing enterprise. Sales and profits rose sharply, far exceeding badysts' expectations. The surplus rose nearly 10% year-over-year to $ 8.9 billion. Revenues increased by more than 17% to $ 30 billion.

Mark Moerdler badyst Bernstein spoke about the software company's figures of "continuing strength on a broad front". In terms of sales, earnings and cash flow, the company even outperformed its optimistic estimates. The activity of the clouds showed no signs of weakness. In addition, Microsoft is the company "slimmers" more and more.

Microsoft's stock has already risen sharply in recent weeks and months: since the beginning of April, it has risen by 12.5%.

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