Shock on the A3: the toll bridge crashes over the highway to the cross Hilden – region


shock on the A3: toll bridge accidents on the Hilden cross highway – A3 was completely closed

  On the # 39; A3 at the interchange Hilden caused a fallen toll bridge for a blockage.

On the A3 at the Hilden interchange, a fallen toll bridge caused a blockage

Photo: Patrick Schüller

Hilden. Chaos on the A3 at the Hilden interchange!

Thursday night, a toll bridge crashed on the A3 towards Cologne and blocked the entire roadway. At first, it was said that it was a signaling bridge

The toll bridge over the intersection Hilden broke down

The bridge over which toll was billed or checked broke out Thursday evening at 19:30 between Hilden and Mettmann

The A3 was completely closed between Hilden and Mettmann. There were long traffic jams in both directions.


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A crane car crashes on the bridge over A3

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