Should consumers pay the bill? | TIME ONLINE


Oldenburg / Berlin (dpa) – Although in some parts of Germany for several weeks, a very dry and hot weather weighs on the farmers. At the moment, however, consumers do not have to adapt to rising prices for bread, beer, cottage cheese or milk, experts say.

"The share of grain prices in the price of bakery products is in the single-digit percentage range," says Herbert Funk, agricultural market manager at the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture.

Even if cows give less milk in some areas because of bad weather, this will not be noticeable in the supermarket, says Björn Börgermann of the Dairy Industry Association: "Milk production is essentially similar to milk production. significant decline can not yet be determined nationally. "

CEREALS: In the north and north-east of Germany, farmers complain of too dry weather. Harvesting was to start earlier, although in many cases the grain has not matured sufficiently and is therefore too small. According to Bauernverband, the harvest is 41 million tonnes below the average of the last five years.

"We have a drought not only in northern Germany, but throughout the Baltic Sea region, in Eastern Europe, in the Black Sea region," says Funk . For the first time in five years, global cereal stocks will decline. Nevertheless, there is no shortage. He expects world market prices to rise, but not very strong.

MEHL: German factories get 95 percent of their grain from Germany, says Peter Haarbeck, managing director of the German Plants Association. Even if the harvest in parts of Germany would be bad or catastrophic, the factories would receive their raw materials. However, the effort would be more important to get the grain in the desired quality. "And an effort in the company has an impact on costs." So there is evidence that flour could be more expensive.

BREAD: If the bad grain harvest in Germany on bread prices affects, can not meet the central federation of the German bakery trade. The content of flour or cereals in bakery products varies from one product to another. Price increases depend on many factors and can vary from one company to another, explains Mathias Meinke for the Central Association.

CATHEDRAL OF MILK: Many dairy farms in northern Germany also suffer from hot, dry weather. According to Mathias Klahsen, a consultant at the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, grbadlands cut by grbadlands are not as rich and nutrient rich as they really need them. The situation is very different from one region to the other. However, at temperatures above 18 degrees and the milk production of the cow is reduced. Farmers should therefore calculate with lower yields and higher feeding costs. However, there are also regions in Germany that do not have these drought problems, says spokesman for the Börgermann badociation.

MILK PRICES: Butter prices are currently relatively high because the demand for these products is good, says Andreas Gorn, of the Agricultural Market Information Society (AMI) in Bonn. For butter, the price changes relatively frequently. The prices of fluid milk and fresh dairy products are fixed with the producers in semi-annual or annual contracts. Experts predict that milk prices will rise again in the fall, mainly because of the high demand for butter. Price increases due to lower milk volumes are currently not predictable.

Association of German Farmers for Harvest

AMI on the development of milk prices

Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture for heat stress in animals

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